Ring radiator tweeters - the future?

A technology developed by Scanspeak that hasn't penetrated the audiophile market, but Polk started using them - and their fans say it produces better high end within the same price range. A brief froogle reveals JBL offers them as components. Could this technology end the perpetual silk dome vs. titanium dome debate?
as Kal stated, this technology is old.
2ndly, I certainly hope & do not think that it will replace silk domes - I've heard it a few times now in Polk Audio speakers where they sound nearly as tizzy & incisive as the metal dome speakers & I hated it! I heard it in a Czech speaker called Xavian 360 where it wasn't as tizzy but it produced a feeling of artificial details in the music. In this particular instance I couldn't decide whether I liked it or not - on some tracks within a CD is sounded correct & on other tracks it sounded wrong. I've also heard this ring tweeter in Gamut Audio's latest L5 speaker where the entire delivery was so laid back that I was quite uninvolved w/ the music. I think that Gamut has either had the ring tweeter custom-made from Scanspeak or has modified it in-house. Somehow I feel that the L5 designer was aware of this "inconsistent" (for a lack of better word) freq resp of the tweeter & decided to "cure" the issue(s).
I am using the ring radiator tweeter with my Sonus Faber Cremona's and must say it is one of the better tweeters I have heard. The other is the ion plasma tweeter usded in Acapella Speakers from Germany in which I had a chance to listen to recently. Be very careful about listening to either of these tweeters because once listened too, the listener is wrecked for life in listening to anything else.
Aren't ribbon speakers the true promised land of sound quality? Just that ribbon speaker are terribly inefficient and bulky?
I hope Ring radiator tweeters aren't the future. Since I don't use tweeters at all. LOL

Infact I never plan to use them again, unless my upper frequency hearing gets so bad to where I have no choice but to bump up the dBs in this area.

Look at where the heart of music is on this chart. I've discovered myself some tweeters add artificiality to the music in certain cases.

Musical Instrument Range Chart . If your speakers can't get this part of the frequency range right. Who cares about a tweeter?