What to use for Merlin TSM stand mounting

Getting a pair of Merlin's in the near future and wondering how is best way to mount to B&w nautilus stands.
hi james,
are the stands metal and filled with sand?
do they have leveling points that go to the floor?
there should be nothing on the top plynth of the stand, no rubber etc., to decouple the speaker from it. just use a tiny 1/8 inch (or smaller) ball or blue tack or poster putty on each corner.
if you have an other concerns and want to talk to me personally, call me at the plant because i will help. 585 367 2390.
bobby at merlin
I second the blu-tack use. Have used it on a number of stand mounted speakers including my Harbeths. Couples the speaker well to the stand (and floor) and causes no damage to bottoms.
3rd the use of blu-tak under the speakers to attach them to the stands. I'm using this for my Tannoy DMT10 speakers. In fact, the Tannoy user's manual expressly says to do this - says that's the best method w/o altering the sound.