Von Schweikert VR4 SR IV

I am considering to purchase a pair of VR4 SR IV to replace PMC OB1. Presently I am using Bryston 7B SST monoblocks, BP-26 preamp and Reimyo CDP-777. Users detail comments and suggestion would be helpful. Thank you.
If you're looking for a speaker that can re-create a live music venue, and want a speaker that does all facets of the game well at a reasonable price, then the Von Schweikert VR-4 SR is for you.
The VR-4 SR is indeed an excellent speaker. However, I'm not aware of any live music venue that does not project the sound through horn speakers.
Great horn speakers, if done right costs a lot relative to the VS VR-4 SR. Also, some horn speakers are big, and people with normal sized rooms are not practical enough to house them. So unless you have the room and the money, you can get comparable performance from the VS VR-4 SRs.

I am a big fan of horn speakers, especially the Acapellas.

But they are sure damn expensive and huge (at least the horn part).
The fact that some horn speakers cost more than the VR4 SR--and many don't--has nothing to do with the point that to even remotely sound like a live venue, one would have to be listening to a system that uses horn speakers. Because live music venues, from nightclub to the symphony hall, employ them. I'm not suggesting they're better, worth the price, or whatever. I am, however, disputing the often heard claim that "it sounds like live music" when the stock ingredient (horn speakers) is missing from the equation.
Horn speakers only do dynamics better, what about ambiance, sound quaility, frequency response, etc., etc., live music has a lot of facets.

The VR-4SR line no matter what model from VR-1 to VR 100 recreates music that is very revealing in regards to the system and recording.

Mr. VS himself said he uses in his opinion the best midrange driver in the world on the VR4SR, and I can't argue with him on that.
Horn speakers only do dynamics better, what about ambiance, sound quaility, frequency response, etc., etc., live music has a lot of facets.
True enough, a lot of facets to live music. And every one of them being passed through a horn speaker. You want it to sound like a live venue? You have to start with the type of speakers being used in live venues. That's ALL I was saying. A box speaker is not a horn speaker, a CDP is not a turntable, and SS is not tube...despite the often-written, enthusiastic attempts to morph the very nature of the component.