NHT 3.3s -- too big for my room?

My room is a trapezoid, 14' deep, about 12' wide at the narrow end of the trapezoid (the front) and 19' wide at the wide end (the back).

Would NHT 3.3s be too much for this room? The specs, form factor, etc. look great on paper, and I'm going to try to hear some soon. Currently using Dynaudio 1.3SEs with a HSU Research sub.

They can't go against the longer wall. I do have the room heavily bass-trapped, however, especially in the corners. And the trapezoidal shape helps tremondously with side reflections (which also have traps at the mirror points). I'd actually be happy if these speakers could go up against the front wall -- the Contour 1.3SEs need to be pulled out from the wall, and as a result, they are a little closer to my listening position than I'd like.
Well then they might work, the trapezoidal shape is an advantage, and I forgot, but I believe the front baffles are canted inward so that the back of the speaker is flat on the wall but the front is toed in towards the listening position. That also will help on the side reflections, but you might have to adjust the width of the speaker placement or your listening position to account for that toe-in. Still wonder about the extra bass, though, as the 3.3s had tremendous bass extension, one of their strong suits. Any way the owner/dealer can let you try them in your room? Or maybe you can set them up near corners where you go to hjear them to see.

Anyway, I'm only speaking theoretically, hope some NHT owners can add their experience.
Appreciate the input! I'm not sure the 3.3s are even made anymore, so finding a dealer could be tricky. I'm looking, tho. I'm also looking into the Audio Physics line, as well, as they, too, have side-firing subs. That's a big part of the appeal of the NHTs... I need extension to 20hz, but am tired of integrating a sub, and ideally, want stereo subs. The room is small enough that two stereo subs is just a bit too much stuff! I'd like a single pair that is truly full range.
Can't see why they won't work if you set them up as recommended. Your room is plenty big.
The only thing I might hesitate about is the 3.3's bass output. I've heard those speakers extensively in my friends system (much larger room) and they put out some of the lowest, most detailed bass I've heard. His system was the upper tier of Levinson gear. They're really impressive in that respect. They're nice speakers though...require some serious power to make'em sing. He had his right up against the back wall and they threw a very wide sound stage. Beautiful piano black finish too. Heavy as all get-out. I didn't know they were still made. I've seen them being sold used once in a while for around $1.5 - 2K. I'd speculate those bass traps are going to be very necessary in a room the size of yours.
