Contribute to best speaker count.

This has been done before, a thread on the best sounding speaker.But there are new models with many improvements and maybe more experience listening to different models not heard before. Let's make it easy to keep score. We are talking about tops in sound regardless of price, therefore mention three or less models and leave it at that. Kindly leave out comments and stories, this way it will be easy to recognize speakers mentioned most. Reason for thread is just curiosity, not to be taken too serious. thanks
Seas Thor's
Best overall in my 30 yrs of testing.
Sure its a kit, that takes a very good solder gun + a friend to help out.
If I can figure out the solder points, anyone can.
I had Richard Grey (Power Conditioner designer) make the solder points, he did both speakers in like 30 minutes/or less! This was last summer.
This guy is fast. He did not ask for much, so I gave him double.
If anyone has an amp that needs work, contact Richard, I'm sure he can be of help, and could use the support as we both took loss from Katrina.
Richard can be reached at National TV, his shop on Jefferson Hwy/Jefferson La(New Orleans/Jeff parish).
Also if you wish to do upgrades to your amp/or tube info, feel free to look him up.
Albert, thanks for clearing that up with your reply to Royy -- High-End audio is mainly about elitism and snobbery, then, if I read your meaning correctly. :^)
1. Dynaudio Evidence Masters
2. Linkwitz Orion
3. Dali Megalines
4. Ascendo System M
5. JM Lab Nova Utopias