Has anybody heard Zucable's Definition 1.5s

Hi guys. Today makes three weeks since my Definitions arrived. They are breaking in nicely, plus the Zuboys put 150 hours on them for me. Great guys, communicaton and service. I haven't heard much on the 'gon about the Druids or the Definitions which I find a bit surprising. Anyway, I'm not doing a review, but would be very interested to hear other Definition owners impressions. My experiences up to now are nothing less than stella. The last time I heard a speaker this fast was my Maggie Tympani 1Ds. Electrostatic/planar speed from paper cone woofers. I read Srajan's review on 6moons and that had started my interest, but it was a couple of other audiophools experiences with the Definitions that sold me. The 101db and chance to switch to tubes, particularly SET was very stimulating. After three weeks of listening, I find that Sragan's review was a bit understated. These speakers are very exciting and like nothing I have ever owned before. 12" foot print, bass down to 16Hz and a midrange to die for and NO crossover. Right: none. I have never had so much musical air around me in my listening space. 14 speakers must have something to do with that. Any others out there get a chance to hear these babies or own them? thanks in advance. peace, warren :)
Warren, I'm hoping to buy Definitions soon without selling both my kids. Right now I have Druids which, if not for the Defs, I would say are the best speaker available under $10K.
I too am surprised that these speakers haven't caused much more of a stir. Zu has found something that leaves the vaunted bastions of speaker design deep in the dust.
I have only heard the Defs once when I visited the factory but they left a great impression in my mind. The Druids do it all and I bought them because I showed up at the factory without enough resources to purchase Defs. Once I started using the Druids I discovered that I no longer needed the 250 watts I had on hand. A change of electronics to a smallish tubed integrated put more cash in my pocket and allowed me to play as loud as I ever had and permitted me to enjoy tubes without baking the drapes with filament heat.
The Druids are as full range as most anything available under the super speaker category and indeed provide deeper and tighter bass than several class A speaker selections in Stereophile. Couple that with extremely fast, transparent, effortless midrange and you've got much more than your $2800 worth. Problem is though, like everyone else, I want the Defs, the only speaker with better resolution than my Druids. Can't help it anymore -- all my symptoms are raging -- got to get the $9000 speakers and then the $3000 amp and then, and then, and then.......
How much are a couple of teenage boys worth?
warren didn't you use to have another speaker that was "stellar"? What happened to those?
Sorry, I am not answering your question either, but asking a question. I am also very interested in the Definition speakers, but am wondering if I can accomodate them. I have a quite large, 20 by 20ft room, but it is very cluttered and I can't move stuff out. Do they need a lot of room to breathe? If you pay the sort of money they cost, you want to get the best out of them. Can they be near a front wall? Do you need to be 12ft plus away from them, to integrate the base? Thanks