What is a better value speaker -- Kharma 3.2FE at

$21k or WP7 at $22k? I understand that choosing between these 2 speakers is more of a "personal taste" issue or perhaps a synnergistic issue with associated equipment.

The Kharmas, being imported speakers may be overpriced given the declining value of the dollar versus EU currencies. Wilson on the other hand, being a domestic product is not subject to currency valuation -- but are they at the proper price point?

Appreciate your thoughts.

What is the least expensive VS speaker that you think compares equally to the WP 7 Or 3.2 Kharma?

The little 3.2's(I don't own a Kharma,or "MTV" Wilson)are overpriced,and indispensible,when communicating music.They are a truly stunning design,without the sub(which might make some happy,but steps on the magic)!You really have to dismiss notions of disco sound,and just let these gems flow through your soul.Which they can do,with a great amp.

The Avalon Diamond(I own an Avalon Ascent,a classic,easy to drive design)is a superb system,but as correctly stated in "Audio Federation",too difficult a load to be allowed to display it'e magic.Add a very high powered amp,and you add complexity.The high sensitivity Kharma allows greater freedom for less complex amps,as I'm sure the new and seemingly stunning(not too overpriced,compared to Kharma btw)Verity Parsifal Ovation would as well!!

Best to all!
Honestly, you can't ask this question. you need to listen for yourself. They are so different in sound. It will be a matter of personal taste. Mine obviously is for th WP7. The Kharma's weekness' were to bothersome to ignore. I even think hearing both speakers in a stereo show is good enough to get an idea for the differences. Don't spend without listening or it will cost you more money if you are wrong.
Between them I'd choose the Kharma but I'd also input to the test the Avalon and the new Amati Anniversario.
For what it's worth, I think even about 2 years ago the 3.2FEs retailed at $21K. So for what it's worth, the 3.2s have in some ways become a better value in the past 2 years rather than worse.

I own a pair of 3.2FEs so take my comments with a grain of salt. But I think that for the things they do well, the 3.2s are unmatched at essentially any price point or definitely not at a lower pricepoint. I was looking hard at the WP7s before buying the 3.2s as well. But most people I talked to believed the Kharmas to be the better speaker. In terms of value, I think it depends on how you look at it. The 3.2s are a great value compared to the higher models of the Kharma line, while the same thing can be said about the WP7s in relation to the rest of the Wilson Audio line.