Speaker Distortion or Room Interaction ?

my floor-standing speakers are quite powerful already, and sound very clean up to a certain (fairly loud but not party-loud) volume. BUT past
that, the sound starts becoming increasingly smeared and eventually becomes harsh and unlistenable, probably due to room reflections, but i have no way of measuring speaker-distortion levels like they do in stereophile. my room does
have some reverberation issues, which i've treated with echo-busters to good effect (although the room is still far from "dead"). but this is my living room also, so i really don't want to add any more room treatments. at the same time i've been seriously looking at even bigger speakers for a few years to get more resolution, sonority, and headroom in the low bass dept. in other words, i dream of listening to large-scale works of music at more realistic volume levels with a minimum of distortion. SO, the question is, if i go ahead with an upgrade, am i going to run into the same problem, or possibly even encounter worse room interactions?
or would a larger speaker sound so much better at a more controlled/lower volume level that it would be worth it for that alone? i know what some of you are thinking- build a dedicated listening room, otherwise the dream of recreating beethoven #5 will forever elude me.
Doesn't sound like room acoustics/interactions at all. Jond said it: "clipping" IMO.
my speakers are eggleston andra-2's. my amps are levinson-33h's (the speakers have low distortion, and the amps have adequate power). the room is 14.5 X 20 ft with a cathedral ceiling. as an upgrade, i was thinking about, let's say, a wilson maxx-2 sized speaker. my point was/is, when secondary reflections degrade the focus and purity of the sound that reaches your ears, you can either cover the walls from stem to stern with absorptive material, or keep the volume level below a certain level. if a larger speaker would sound even more coherent with more low-bass at that (safe) volume,
it might be worth the expense- but i have to wonder.
i heard the wilson WAMM's a long time ago in an acoustically great room, and for the 1st (and last) time a symphony orchestra actually sounded like one- the sense of scale was enormous. i'm not expecting quite that in MY room, but for the $$$ involved with an upgrade, i'd like to get alot closer to that ideal. or do you reach the point i have where you have speakers with 20-20 freq. response and incredible musicality, and just call it a day, forgoing the ability to re-create mahler #8 or handel's messiah?
French Fries,
Your ears are much more complex instruments than Stereophile's test equipment. Take their measurements w/grain of salt. Just because an amp measures well doesn't mean that it is free of the distortions that we can hear.

As to your comment about relationship between volume and reflections, that doesn't jive w/all I've read about acoustics. Reflections in a given room will affect the sound the same way at 80db or 90.

I agree the amps are probably malfunctioning or not a good match with the Andras. A friend uses one of the large Classe amps w/his Andras, and doesn't have the problem you describe. Cheers,
What are your speakers and amplifier? From your description, this might be one of two common problems;

a speaker thermal compression issue (as coils heat up your speaker response characteristics change and may sound dull and compressed)

or a an overdriven amplifier (sounds absolutely awful).

I doubt this is a room problem.
It would stand to reason that you have very high standards given your equipment list and the complexity of the aforementioned music ... I appreciate that. Would it be possible to build yourself a custom designed listening room? I get the feeling your standards may require the freedom to eliminate unwanted resonance at the expense of esthetics. This usually results in an angry woman. $40K-$60K on your own little oasis might be a bargain in the long run. You can do it a lot cheaper if you get involved yourself or maybe just renovate a large bedroom?

It might be a pain but find a room to play with and move your gear in for a weekend to see if the problem is improved upon. I did it with a bedroom once ... I was surprised how much different my measly system sounded. Enough so I am considering a listening room instead of a garage. I live for the day I have my own soundproof space. A windowless cave for the sake of music ...
