How long and how loud

I have a pair of Gallo Ref 3s I have had them for about six months but I still think the woofer is not brokem in it is very stiff.

I have been Told that they need to be broken in but how loud is loud and for how long.

If I need to flex the cone can I use the tone that my amp produces for speaker set up? (Subwoofer).
Or can I use a test CD that produces diferent sine waves
If I can use the amps "set up tone" how loud, how long.

If I use the test CD which would be the best freq to use and how loud and how long.

I would go with some Sex Pistols or other hard driving rock or even (Shudder) a base loaded Rap track but the wife would not understand and the neighbors..........
Any suggestions.
After 6 months, what you hear is what you get...unless you only used them for 2-3 hours per WEEK!
But dont I need to drive them at insanly high levels to burn in or flex the cone?
and if so all the other stuff i asked is still relevent
No you don't need to flex the cone it's doing what it will. You can burn you're voicecoils if you overdrive them.
Try a Barry White CD, the bass line will exercise your woofers and you may also get some exercise from your wife...