Need help choosing spkrs I've never heard

This is the first time I've used Audio Forum but need assistance fm my fellow 'philes. I need to downsize and I've short listed the following: Paradigm Signature S8, Von Schweikert VR-4 SR and Aerial 9. While I have heard at some point or another, vaious models fm these vendors, I've never heard any of the specific candidates. No dealers of any within 200 mi, so really looking for you input. Other's I have owned - Revel Salon Ultimas, Infinity Betas, Genesis 200 Mk IIs and Legacy Focus 20/20. Hopefully that will give you an idea of my sonic tastes - accuracy, a more forward presence, holographic "you are there" depth and imaging, but this time around, due to being in a connected town house, deep base (so long as it's clean!) is not as important. Front end is Sony SCD-777ES, Kora Hermes, Sonic Frontiers L-3/Power 3s. I read in a thread that a lot of guys have their mind made up before they post "which should I choose, this one or that?" - but in this case it's a level table and I'm open to input. Have to make decision by Monday 3/17/06. THANKS TO ALL OF YOU WHO ASSIST!
im with duke,the problem with buying based on recomendations is that even though most of us love what we have right now in 6 months its a different story & reselling speakers is not the easiest thing to sell if you dont like them without taking a hit in the wallet.
Duke: Well put, that was my point. The recommendations are invaluable to set up a list of contenders, but sometimes it just isn't possible to audition speakers in a showroom. My point is don't be afraid to buy a pair of speakers without auditioning them. Look, if a majority of people here have the opinion that the VR 4jr. sounds great, the chances are it does. If I want to try it, I can always find a pair here for $2500.00. I can buy it, live with it for awhile and if I don't like it, I can sell it for $ 2500.00. Where's the loss, except for a few bucks in shipping? Let's say it costs $100 to ship and I live with it for 5 months before selling it off again. In that scenario, it cost me $20.00 a month to have the pair for audition. Where's the big hit in the wallet? That's the beauty of this site. Anyway, it's only my 2 cents.

I have certainly bought on the basis of advice and reviews, sans audition, I am not proud of it. However, that was cables and a power amp, not speakers. The advice given seems excellent. I STRONGLY support buying 2nd hand, you can view it as an unlimited home audition and sell on at minimal loss. I would also advocate one of the big shows, CES if you can stand Las Vegas, or Rocky Mountain, for some mountain air. I am sure most if not all your choices will be there. Again the caveat that you don't listen in a hotel room at home.
Buying speakers is such a personal choice I would NEVER buy one based only on reviews. For instance, many people praise how good sounding Martin Logan or Magneplanar speakers are. I have heard both and I didn´t like the sound at all (electrostatic speakers aren´t my juice) and even between dinamic speakers, some one would apreciate the sound of X speaker and some one could hate it. Don´t waste your money.
I agree with everyone else on hearing before buying, but I have bought without hearing and I was 1 for 2. Out of the speakers you listed I have heard the Aerials and Paradigms (side by side) and the Paradigms I perferred the Aerials at lower levels. The Paradigms had much more output without strain, but considering you're in a townhouse you probably don't need high SPLs.