Accurate vs Musical

What is the basis for buying an "accurate" speaker over a "musical" one? I am very familiar with most audiophile jargon but this is one that confuses me. Musical to me means that the speakers convey the "air" or/and overtone of instruments.

"Accurate" on the other hand is what, the accuracy of a single note? If accurate does not convey the space of an instrument, how can it be defined as accurate? I can understand why an "accurate" speaker can be used in a recording studio or as a studio monitor but for casual listening/auditioning?

Thiel is an accurate speaker but Magnepan is more musical so which would truly be more faithful to the original source? Someone please clear this up for me. Thanks.
songwriter, of course the musician playing eighth notes while the others are playing quarters will be heard, since he is playing twice as many notes in the same time! Has nothing to do with phase or timing!
what I was trying to say is that if you trow off the music's timing, especially like most speakers do delaying each frequency differently, you essentially destroy a portion of the musicality of the piece and make the brain work overtime trying to put things back into something intelligable. Thats how our brains are wired. Thanks for the correction.
I was having trouble with some new speakers that are very accurate. My wife and I both agreed that they were almost hard to listen to. The instruments and sounds were very seperate but did not blend into music.

I switched back to my more "musical/warm/textural" set up that frankly sounded amazing before getting the new monitors (don't ask me why I changed things).

Now that I had spent some time with accuracy, I noticed that things were nice and laid back with my old stuff but kind of muddled. Thanks to I put the new speakers back in the mix and tried using the multi-channel approach. I ditched the "seperate two-channel" side and ran everything throught my Boston Acoustics AVR-7120 receiver in PLII. Wow, now I have an accurate AND musical set-up. Thanks for the help velocitydls!

I am going to try it all the way now so I am getting a center channel speaker that matches the new L & R's and a Meridian G68. I'll report in on the progress.
I spent a couple hours setting up the G68 but there is a lot more there than I can figure out right now. The PLII is much better than before and the Trifield is pretty nice too but there is still too much "energy" or something that makes listening more a chore than a relaxing pleasure. I almost get a head ache thinking about listening. There is a lot of detail that I never heard before it just seems like "too much".

Anyone got any ideas? I don't have any room treatments or eq (I didn't have them before with my lower end but pleasant system), do I need them?
here's another thing to consider.

the issue of musicality and accuracy may be irrelevant to the purpose of listening to music. it may not matter how you describe the performance of a stereo system as long as it satisfies your objective.

i visited a friend the other day and we were listening to the beethoven "kreutzer" sonata. he fell asleep during the last movement.

that is an indication of a great stereo system. sit down, listen and fall asleep, or lower your blood pressure. what difference does it make if the frequency response is restricted or if the stereo systems is low resolution? listening to music is preferable to taking pills.