Speaker recommendations in the $3,500-$4,000 range

I'm in the market for a good, full-range speaker for simple stereo listening. I have an Anthem TLP-1 preamp, and will probably get an anthem amp to drive the speakers as well. I'd like full-range speakers (where no sub is needed)...and my budget will be between $3,500-$4,000.

I just finished mastering a CD at MasterMix in Nashville, so I've spent 12 hours in front of the finest PMC monitor system in the US...so that is point of reference. Thanks for any input!!!
To veryboduy
Appolgized to Aktchi for "stream of conciousness" but onme I get on a jag bervity isn't my strong pint.Glad other also mentioned speakers abilyt to play at different volume levels especially low level listening,This for mr is the acid test for speaker if they cvan be played softly and not lose sense of dynamics.Remeber in days or your when recievers had loudness knobs to compensate?Shouldn't be needed with well designed speakers.
Some folks think the best value out there dollar for dollar is the Magnepan and I have a hard time arguing against it but one fault they share with many others is to sound good you need to turn them up.What about apt/condo dwellers or just all of us when we want quiet classical or Miles after a hectic day.
Again sorry for the logo-rhea in my intial response but hope I wasn't to off the mark too often.
Thiel or Vandersteen are your only two choices if accuracy is important to you.
Chazzbo: No need to apologize, my comment about your writing style was meant as a friendly joke. It is a little difficult to read but well worth the trouble. I appreciated the review and look forward to reading your opinions in future as well.

Just to get you going again, of all the speakers you have heard, which one(s) will be your absolute pick(s) for:

near listening (speakers and listeners all 6'-7' apart);
volumes low as well as high;
long term listening (non-fatiguing);
listener not pinned to one sweet spot;
not overly sensitive to amp (I have 60w/ch ss)

I know and even agree with the platitude that everyone has to select his speakers himself; I am asking what would you select?
Guys...thanks for your input...I am overwhelmed at the number of responses. Thanks for putting up with a "noobie"...I've searched the classifieds now for about a year, but never posted a thread.

Now the hard part is going to be finding demos of some of these to hear. Birmingham, AL is not known for it's high-end audio dealers. The ones we have sell Legacy on the top end, PSB and Polk on the low end. Tweeter (chain) is pushing Focal 918s and 928s for $4,000. The one dealer who carries Paradigm only carries the low end (Monitor series). So now the challenge of find something near me that I can demo.

Keep 'em coming (if you have any more suggestions)...my list of prospects stands at about 18 at the moment....

Zu Druids

$2800 and Zu will allow you a 60 day in home demo. The only thing out of pocket is the shipping.

They go down to 40 Hz, but it is clean and detailed. They throw a huge soundstage, and are very easy to mate with different electronics. See the review on 6moons.com
