Sensitivity in speakers

Just my luck I took woodshop instead of electrical engineering. Maybe if I undestood the difference between a volt vs. a watt, I might know how to pick my next speakers.

Here's the problem - as much as I like cranking it when the missus isn't around (perhaps I should reword that?), I want speakers that I don't have to blast to get a full bodied sound. Upgraditis has lead me to Manley Neoclassic 250's driven by a Manley Steelhead with a Sota Cosmos/Shelter901 and Wavelength DAC as sources (the sources courtesy of Jay Kaufman at Audio Revolutions - a truly great guy to work with). All of this runs into Von Schweikert VR-2's. A nice speaker from my POV but not quite up to the rest of the system.

Recommendations please - what speakers would fit into this system that would sound great at all volume levels? Of course like many of us I want soaring extended highs, warm, life-like mids' and bass from the bowels of the earth.

I don't have unlimited resources but I'd rather measure the distance between me and great speakers in time rather than current cashflow.

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I've listened to the VR4-JR and VR4-SR in the VSA line.
The JR is a little bloated in the bass while the SR is much more refined. Neither gave gutwrenching bass extension though.
For that you may want to go with a subwoofer to compliment the speaker you choose.
Most good speakers sound good at low/reasonable volumes with good equipment upstream.
I don't think you necessarily need an efficient speaker to do that. In fact, i have found the opposite is often true. Many highly efficient speakers doo not oppen up in the bass until they are run fairly loud.

Try a line source speaker like an electrostat or planar. The large surface area can give a great sense of depth and immediacy at low volumes. You will need a stove of an amplifier to reach very high volumes though.

You can always implement tone controls.

Good luck!
I'm not sure your question is about spkrs sensitivity (db spl/1W/1m) or frequency response or power response.

Generally speaking, spkrs that spec over92db "sensitivity" will play plenty loud with your amps (they'll reach ~115db spl peaks -- if they can take that power).

If OTOH you want speakers to play an extended frequency range i.e., "soaring extended highs, warm, life-like mids' and bass from the bowels of the earth" you'll need a subwoofer -- or similar setup. You can come close with a number of stand alone spkrs, but you won;t actually get there...

Some manufacturers offer models that incorporate a separately amplified bass section -- which can effectively help you attain a "full-range sound. Genesis, the expensive VS, Vandersteen, many others. These tend to be expensive (over 10k). The Genesis 6.1 I listened to recently were quite nice for less than 10k.

BTW, how big is your room?
John I just want to point out a couple of things. Speaker sensetivity has a lot to do with how much, or little power is needed to obtain a certain spl (sound pressure level) but in my limited experience does not have much to do with a full bodied sound.

Your front end, and electronics are SOTA! I know I will get ripped for this (if AudiogoN even posts it) but I have heard a lot of VS speakers and the only one I thought sounded good was the top-of-the-line model, I think the VR 9 or something like that.

You need to answer some questions before anyone can make a valid speaker suggestion though! In what size room will they be used? A simple way to determine speaker size was posted here in the last year, I forget who said it but, a small room needs smal speakers, a medium sized room needs medium sized speakers, and a big room needs big speakers, if you're wondering if your room is big enough for big speakers, it's not!

Lots of people will recommend their favorite speakers, but until they know about your room the recommendations are of little use. Written at 9:42 cst
I went from Audio Physic Tempo 3's to a pair of Klipsch Epic CF3's, which are 100dB efficient. One of the cool things about these speakers is when listening at low volumes, they still have impactful bass. And I am talking of a volume of -60 on my Pre/pro. I find that very impressive. They also work well with tubes amps, like my 5 watt ASL SET amp. When turned up though, they play like a concert monitor with great slam. I am also impressed with the looks and specs of the new Tyler Pro series, though I have never heard them. Go for a higher efficiency speaker, for that low volume listening your looking for and for bass from the bowels of the earth. Though I think a good sub would do better for that.