Aurum Cantus Leisure 2 vs Quad 12L


Very skeptical about the AURUM CANTUS LEISURE 2….
Brand from China, second guessing with my first experience,
Please advise and describe sound of AURUM CANTUS LEISURE 2 if possible because when I heard of the Swan M1 Monitors, they all said Smooth Ribbon sound, warm , relaxed and musical.

Well I have been listening to Apogees for years now, big ribbon buff, I also had the Divas ones for years so I hope you know where I am coming from, the Swans I bought was nothing to what people had described, they said let it burn in for over 80 hours, and guess what I did.
Its was hopeless, I did not like it and will never buy any of that line again.
The original Mission for $150 were better to be honest. The fit and finish of the swans were good and that was it!!!!!!!!!!!!!

So I am now wondering how would anyone describe the comparison between these two

I have no options to audition the AURUM CANTUS LEISURE 2 where I live so….

Thanks and appreciate solid state amplification responses with the system if possible

I have the Apogee DAX3 crossover!
Check their forums....great stuff, I am a long time member!

I just replaced my Quad 12L monitors with a pair of Aurum Cantus Leisure 2SE's from Kellsie Audio Video. I bought them used here on A-gon. The Aurum Cantus, IMHO, are definitely a superior speaker, in every respect. The Leisure 2SE's are a serious speaker. Bass is deeper and more realistic. I bought them for the ribbon tweeter to achieve better extension and clarity, and in that regard, they delivered superbly. But I did not expect the bass they reproduce. Mid range is excellent, imaging is excellent - overall they sound much bigger and musical. After listening to the Aurum Cantus, the Quads just sound flat and un-involving. In addition to all of that, the finish is first rate, the matching stands are beautiful. These speakers are real show-stoppers.
I have owned the AC L2se, Quad 12l, 12l Active and 21L2.

It is going to come down to your musical preferences. If you listen exclsuively to Norah Jones and Diana Krall- light jazz, strings, etc than you will really like the AC. The tweeter is really smooth and airy.

However, the Quads are better all around performers in my opinion. They can play loud- they are more coherant from top to bottom and throw a wider, deeper and more pinpoint soundstage. They excel on normal music- rock and pop.

I found myslef to be smitton with the ACs initially but it wore off in only a few months. The Quads I appreciate more and more everytime I sit down.


Versus the music every seems to fall in love with after they get into this hobby. Audiophile labels, high res, whatever you want to call it.
