Demoing speakers in LA area?

I'm looking to build a audio system from the ground up and would like to demo some speakers and amps. My budget is around $5K-6K for everything and I'm in the Burbank/Glendale area. Anyone know of any really great dealers in the area?
i'm a customer of all three dealers above and they are all great. upscale has the biggest selection. call him see what he reccomends then go in for a listen. brooks and randy cooley are awesome, although brooks usually has guys hanging around that make it hard to listen. may i also reccomend katli audio in chino hills. lots of gear in all price ranges. super guy with A++++ ears. best deals probably from kevin at upscale or fred at katli.

aloha keith
I'll also add Sound Factor. Their main store is located
in Encino. They also have another store in Pasadena.
Also check out LA/Audio Video near Western and Beverly.
They have the biggest selection of audio gear that I
know of.

Good luck
Speaker City in Burbank makes their own speakers using premium parts - like scan speak woofers and tweeter; the same parts that go into Wilson and other top notch speakers. Their prices are much much lower, so I would check them out.

This is their web sight.

If you want traditional hifi shop, I like GNP of Pasadena.

GNP Audio Video
(626) 577-7767
1254 E Colorado Blvd
Pasadena, CA 91106


But I would seriously consider buying them here on the audiogon - you would end up with a considerably better quality for the same bucks ! Also when you upgrade, you can sell them here again and not lose too much - if you keep them in a good condition.

Used is the way to go - most people who buy at this level take good care of their gears, and it's safer than Ebay. No, I don't work for them, but since we are using their sight, we should give them something back too.

Used is the way to go.
You could also visit 3 stores in Pasadena: 1. Sound Factor:; 2. Audio Concept on Rosemead Blvd.; 3. GNP Audio Video Inc. 1254 E. Colorado
Pasadena CA 91106 USA Phone 626-577-7767.

Those stores are withing 15-20 minutes drive from you, and carry different brands, so maybe worth your visit. I am not going to comment their service, as some I have not visited for a while.
The already mentioned stores are great referrals, look up the dealers near you on the website. You can find dealers by several ways, zip code, state, etc. They will probably have two channel system for you to evaluate. good luck and have fun!