speakers for VAC 30/30 amp

anyone have a sonic match for this amp.have SF CD1 and SF L1 pre-amp.
hi Herman,you may have hit the nail on the head with that,speakers first.the reason i went VAC is i wanted to give tubes a try.did you have the little 30/30???? i would very much appreciate any speaker ideas.thks for any help.
I would think the Merlins would be a great match..There are a couple pairs on this site around 6K
I had a Renaissance MKIII.

I recommend a high efficiency speaker like the Avantgarde Duo or a Lowther based speaker or equivalent. Thirty watts is really not a whole lot of power, and even though these speakers play loudly with much less, to my ear they really open up if the amp has some headroom. With these the VAC will be loafing along the majority of the time yet has the power to hit transient peaks with ease. On the other hand if you get a less efficient speaker it will quickly run out of power on the transients.

Good luck with your search.
thks for that,do you recommend Coincident speakers at all,how would the Total Victoty sound with VAC??
It would be irresponsible of me not to jump in here. You should go for a pair of the Wilson Benesh Curves. www.wilson-benesch.com At the Rocky Mountain Audio Fest paired with the 25 watt deHavilland Ios single ended amp the sound was killer. These speakers while using conventional drivers avoid the MDF madness of most others and utilize Carbon Fiber. There is a used pair on Audiogon now and I have a demo pair for sale as well. ( In the interest of full disclosure I am a dealer for Wilson Benesch )