merlin tsm`s on target stands?

Osiris stands are hard to come by on the used market. I`m curios as to those of you who have tried the tsm/target combo, or any other stands for that matter.

I did manage to find a used pair of Osiris stands for my TSM's and thought I'd mention one consideration in using them or any other stand you might find.

The Osiris had been universally recommended for the Merlins so I jumped on them when I saw a pair come up and didn't do any checking in advance about the height of the stands. The TSM's are big monitors and with my couch and the 24" Osiris stands the speakers are considerably higher than the optimum listening position recommended by Merlin, even with the adjustable spikes on the stands at their minimum position.

I guess my couch sits lower than many others and I have been able to use the adjustable spikes to point the Merlins down, approximately on axis with my listening position. If want your speakers to sit level and still follow Merlin's recommendation that the spot between the two drivers line up with your ears, I'd recommend you figure out the elevation of your ears, measure the monitors and then find some stands that will put the speakers where you want them. In my configuration the Osiris stands are two or three inches too tall.
I use 26" Skylan 2-post stands with my TSM's. They are fine both sonically and visually.

Highly recommended.
I use 24" sound anchor stands filled with sand with awesome results. (don't forget the blu-tack)