merlin tsm`s on target stands?

Osiris stands are hard to come by on the used market. I`m curios as to those of you who have tried the tsm/target combo, or any other stands for that matter.

i too have r4 target and osiris stands and well, they are both great but i prefer the sound on the osiris a wee bit. go figure. either one will surely make you very happy.
sit in your listening chair and measure the the distance from the floor to the middle of your ear. subtract 10 inches and that is the stand height you need. if the stands put the speakers a few inches up or down from your ear, it is not critical as the speaker has fantastic dispersion and the need to compensate is moderated over distance. at 9 1/2 feet the difference is minimal. i would compare tilting them down to just firing them straight out for sound and chose.

I have bought many things audio from Canada. I've never had to pay import fees. I believe it's Canada that pays the import fees on things we ship to them. The only thing I would be concerned about is the reputation of the Canadian seller and the freight charges. I hope you enjoy your new Merlins.
Hi Sherod,

Good to hear from you again. Thanks for your input on the Canadian issue. I`m still waiting for my merlins. :(

btw...I think the prima int. running the tsm`s will be a very good match, although I can`t say for sure, as I`m now using a pair of borrowed $50 sony 2-ways in the interim. Yikes.

I also purchased Gregg Straley`s Reality ic`s and speaker cables. So far so good.

Hope all is well with you.

Update...I lucked into a pair of 24" osiris stands here on a`gon a couple of weeks ago.
those are perfect and you will love them on the tsm mms.
i still have 2 pairs here and would not be without them.