Speaker Recommendation Needed

A friend of mine wants to get a new system and I'm trying to help her out. Her room is pretty large: 20'x22'x12'. She listens primarily to classical music. She has heard my Spica TC-60's and loves the natural sound, imaging and soundstage of those speakers. Her budget for speakers is $800-$900. If we look for used ones on Audiogon, what can you recommend?


Steve O.
I'll add my 2 cents to what Seandtaylor99 said about the Rel integration. I also can't address the Spica TC=50's, but I have a Rel Storm I, and a Storm III. I've run the III with Totem Sttafs, and now it's set up with Mani-2's. I ran the Storm I and III with GMA Europas (at different times, of course). I found it easiest to integrate the sub with the Sttafs by far, and hardest with the Mani-2s. The crossovers were set at 35 Hz for the Sttaf, 48hz for Europa, and 29Hz for Mani-2. My hypothesis is that in general, the higher the crossover is the easier it will be (although I expect there's a knee in the curve if you go too high). I think the sweet-spot is in the 40-60Hz range. With the Mani's, the sub isn't even in play for most music, and it almost doesn't make sense to have it. Further, I think (conjecture on my part) the only reason Europas were more dificult to integrate is because they're phase coherent/time aligned and I had to fiddle with the positioning of the sub a lttle more than for the Sttaf.

The Rel/Sttaf, and Rel/Europa combination is really satisfying, and even though for the money you can get a full range, It may not have the quality of deep bass, and perhaps not the quality of the upper bandwidth either.
I agree with Soulbrass - the PSB Stratus series, especially the Golds (or Goldi's if you can get them their narrower cabinet may allow them to image better than the older Golds)will do very well. Their natural timbre in the midrange and weight in the low bass make them a good choice (used).