Anyone heard Harbeth HL5s with Nuforce?

About to purchase Super 5s and want to upgrade electronics soon - currently using old Onkyo integrated. Anyone heard Nuforce 9s pushing these or other Harbeths? If not, how about your suggestion for SS amp for these? Budget of $2,500 new or used. Thanks in advance for your reply.
Hey. Give Audio Research some consideration. I used a 100.2 and SP16 to drive my Harbeth Compact 7's with fabulous results. A little more expensive would be some of the more powerful Naim amps like the NAP 250. I wouldn't go lower than this with the HL5's. Good luck--they are GREAT speakers.
Harbeths are not all that picky about amplifrication (I have HL5's myself). Plinius has always been a popular combination with Harbeth. You could get a used 9200 integrated within your budget.

The Nuforce would be very interesting to try. If you do, please let us know how it goes.
This is a fantastic combination - heard it at an audio friends and bought teh Nuforces for my Audio Physic Virgos. Clear, clean and transparant as all get out, with bass slam that will suprise you. Go for it - there's nothing better at this price point!