What speakers can make a convert of Maggie lovers?

After living with Magneplanars for many years (1.6qr's at present,) I'm wondering what other speakers Magneplanar owners have fallen for. I'm sure this topic must have covered before, but this site's search engine leaves a lot to be desired. There are many things that I like about Maggies, the expansive soundstage, well integrated drivers, and value for the money among their many virtues. Ideally, I'd like speakers that would have better low level detail and palpability, be less picky about amplification, and have better percusive/ dynamic qualities. The need for augmentation with a subwoofer would ok. My listening room is about 15x20' with a 12' ceiling height. I don't favor any one type of music, my tastes are musically omnivorous. Price of contenders would have to be no more than $5-6,000 new. Of course, something less expensive like the Gallos would be fine too, it's good to have money left over to buy more music. I know everyone says "go listen at your dealers." I've done that, but I find dealer's rooms sound so cruddy compared to my acoustically treated room that I can't make really meaningful comparisons.
Zu provides the big soundstage, paper cones, high efficiency, boxless sound, etc. that have been mentioned in the previous posts and they are not especially pricy, although they will cost you more than JBL 4312's.
The presentation is fast and precise, tonal balance near perfect, and the sweet spot very wide. They have the strengths of panels and dynamic speakers combined in a compact and very well thought out design. I think they will convert you.
Do I miss my Maggies. Yes at times .I had 1.4s and 1.6's for about 16 years.I somtimes miss the openness and full life picture they produce.
But the weaknesses altough few were enough for me to go another way.For my ears I needed an more accurately produced soundstage.ie double bass image does not all of sudden become bigger than the rest of the group because of its amplitude,same for trumpets or voices.
Now I spent 6 times the price to get the Wilson Benesch ACTII's but these babies are so damm convincing that the performers are real.Scary .
What about intimacy. How can you get better at intimacy than the Maggies?
Well when I gave the Wilson's a listen there was no question.
Now that is not to say there is likely many many speakers that provide fanatastic sound.Just how can to audition all of them.So many out there I have not heard and can imagine they do sound good.
I just happened to hear and fall in love with the Wilson's.
Would I go back, not very likely.
Anyway you slice it 'It's all about the music and what flows in your mind'
I've heard Vonschweikert VR4-SR, B$W 802D, Wilson Watt Puppy 7, VMPS RM 40 and a few others. Nothing can send a shiver down my spine and bring tears of emotion to me like Magnepan 20.1's. Lots of speakers I've never heard. I've heard good things about the Wilson Benesch but haven't heard them. Their may be something more to an individuals taste out there and who knows there may be something out there I would like more, but for the life of me I simply can't imagine anthing more realistic sounding than Maggie 20.1's. When I see a live show. It's BIG. It's not pinpoint defined. It's just BIG. The imaging the 20.1's have is focused enough to believe. To be overly impressed with any one particular thing is certainly a personal choice but is it real? When I close my eyes or turn off the lights at night the image of a real band or singer is life like and simply offers an emotional meltdown of satisfaction that is undescribable unless you've witnessed it. I know they cost more and it is not the purpose of your thread, but moving up to the 20.1 level and staying with the Maggies may be a long term consideration for you.
i heard the maggie 1.6, Cabasse, Spendor 8, with a ARC amp + pre and a super crummy Cal Labs cdp, last week.
I suggest you try a Tyler.