what amp under a grand?

I have vienna acoustic mozart grand marantz sr5005 avr,marantz 8001 sacd,vieanna theatro center,b&w 600s3 for rears,current amp adcom 555mk2.looked at used parasound hca 2003 thx, rotel rb 993, and and an adcom 5802.im fine with the performance the marantz gives me for ht but for two channel sound is muddy. i think its the amp? any advice on a used amp that would bring out the detail of the mozarts?
Looking at specs and measurements of the Mozarts on Stereophile they will benefit in teh bass largely from lots of power and sufficient current to drive them.

The Bel Canto Ref1000m Class D amps I use with my more full range speakers would be perfect but those are somewhat pricey.

A <$1000 250w/ch or more Class D Audio brand amp would be a reasonable try to see what might be weaned out of the Mozarts for not very much.

If you have an amp capable of driving those to the max, especially the fairly extended bass being delivered out of smaller drivers, all the rest may well clear up as well and sound more competitive with what appear to be the much smaller Wavetouch speakers.

The Wavetouch speakers are smaller and do not appear to have as extended a low end so finding a suitable amp to make those sound good is likely not as hard.
The PARASOUND a21 does a great job on both speakers, with the WT being small the a21 spends most of its time in class a.
last time in the thread I bought the Parasound a21 and the p5 pre for my Mozart speakers and still felt something was missing? ran into a local dealer that I have known for 20yrs and haven't seen for a while and of course are conversation started with what kind of system are you running? he suggested a Musical Design amp and pre to work around the Mozarts or a different set of speakers for the Parasound gear, he felt the Parasound was not a good match with the Mozarts and gave me a Musical Design amp and pre to take home and try out. and man was he right I noticed the difference immediately not just a different sound but a noticeable change. it brought the mozarts outta the dark leveled out the bloated bass, gave the mids a fast powerful punch! and made the tweeters sizzle. the mozarts sound very natural and organic now. so I will be putting my a21 and p5 up for sale so if anyone is interested drop my a dime.