Tweeters, Scanspeak or Seas

Would anyone share their experiences on the performance of the Scanspeak Reveltor or the Seas Millenium tweeter? Im leaning on trying the Tyler ref3's and have a choice on which tweeter to chose, Tyler owners your input would be appreciated! I enjoy Jazz, female vocals, blues and will be using tubes with a digital front end.
Apples and oranges perhaps but, FWIW, I have the Tylers with the Seas Millenium and in comparison to the Dynaudio tweeter in my other speakers it is a pleasure to listen to CD's with the Millenium whereas the Dynaudio tweeter is far more dependent on source, amplification, and set up. Which is more accurate? Probably the Dynaudio. Which do I listen to with more pleasure, the Seas. Probably the differences are similar between the Millenium and the Revelator, but I'm just guessing on that.
The seas T25 is the finest tweeter in the world.
Ever made.
Of course if you do not have the hearing sensibilities that I have yopu will not understand what I'm saying.
i hope you don't mind jumping at your thread, but I'd like to know something which could be usefull to the original poster as well. I have Vienna Acoustics Haydn Grand, and as far as I can tell it has Seas tweeter inside. but, do someone know which model of Seas tweeter exactly, I have tried to find some more imformation about it, but no luck?
Bartockfan, It's Sunday, a slow day for most. Why don't you take a moment to describe your 'hearing sensibilities' so we can all appreciate the value of your post more clearly (not that I necessarily disagree with your conclusion). :-)
If you are a fan of the Dynaudio Esotar tweeter in your Sonata III's, I think you will find the Scanspeak to fall in between the two, sharing some of the chiseled focus of the Dynaudio and some of the emotional warmth of the Seas.

Let us know what you decide, and how you like the outcome...once you've allowed some major break-in hours on the speakers.