High pass quality to mains uisng Velodyne DD subs


For those who have incorporated one of the DD series subs into your two-channel system, did you use the line level high pass filter from the sub to your main speakers amp?

I have two sets of outputs from my preamp, so I could run one set to the sub and one set full range to my mains. I was just wondering if folks had experienced much degradation of signal going line level from preamp to DD to mains amp.

Theoretically, I like the idea of the high pass filter.

Getting ready to set up my dd18.


Rwwear..."unincumbered"??? The idea of the crossover is to free the main speakers from the burden of unproductive LF cone motion.
I think Rwwear means he doesn't like the idea of having the mains encumbered by a high pass filter in the signal path. It would be interesting to hear the results of trying both methods.
Looks like no one has A/B'd this. Within the next few weeks, I'll be able to give a try.

If I find that the higpass is benefical, but a little noisy, I may go for an outboard crossover like the the vandersteen m5-hp. The savings on long rcas's of even moderate cost would about pay for it.

Thanks for the responses.
