Need advice on a tube line stage

I'm looking to add a tube line stage to the herd. It will partner with a Bryston 4B SST2 amp through Thiel CS2.4 and GoldenEar Triton 2 loudspeakers. Primary source is a Cambridge Audio 840C CD player.

Budget is ~ $1,500 up to maybe $2,500 (but that end of the budget would probably force me to sell my current Parasound JC2).

Some options appear to be:

Trancendent Sound Grounded Grid (new $900)
Audio by Van Alstine Transcendence 9 (new 1,400)
Modwright SWL 9.0SE (mint used $1,450)
Quicksilver Remote Control Line Stage (new $1,600)
Audio by Van Alstine FET Valve CF (new $1,900)
conrad-johnson Classic 2SE (new $2,200)
Audible Illusions L3 (new $2,500 with some $ voodoo)

I would like a slightly more liquid presentation than I currently get with my current rig. More "musical". I no longer value extreme transparency as much as I did, partially because I'm no longer mixing records and don't need my system to double as a reference. That said, I don't want anything overly soft or veiled.

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Check out Prima Luna.

Separate power supplies for better imaging.

As with any tube preamp, the specific tubes will make a difference.
Second Eastern Electric Avant with nos tubes. So good that I can't decide whether to use my C-J Premier 14L or the Avant in my living room. It was really an ear opener to hear this small preamp at its price. Definitely under-hyped. It is a superb tube preamp and has balanced outs and one balanced input.
Is all/most Eastern Electric gear that good?

What do they do different I wonder?
We just added a less expensive preamp to our lineup. The line section version retails for $1900.00... There is a review of it on
EE builds to the highest standard coming out of China.
Everything they sell is excellent.
The Avant is top-notch.