before i write the chegue,i gotta' ask all in the know:the sound difference between VSA DB-99 and Zu Definition????? i know by all reports these are very close in all repects like value and performance,but total different sound.i am leaning to the Zu side of the fence.cost is almost the same,so that's not a factor.the drive amp will be a VAC 30/30 Sig.3 [front end is Sonic Frontier--getting old but still works.]Zu said they can burn them for 14 days so the sound should be almost complete out of the box.what to do???????
Bartokfan, If your above post is a joke and I missed it- my fault. I've never heard the Spendors, but for all of those who own and love them, what qualifies you to be the absolute truth in proclaiming they are "bunk"? Maybe you should read the first sentence of your post again--that seems to be more the truth.
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Microjack, your Definitions are a long way from break in. I don't have the Pros, but you still have 12 10 inch woofers there. Enjoy those babies. I don't think you will be disappointed...looking forward to hearing your impressions: now, in 3 months, in 6. The Definitions are like a fine bordeaux over time. warren :)
ok here we go,now have the defs fed by the VAC 30/30 sig mk3,the player is direct to the amp and is the opus 21 modded by GNS.the speaker cables are Zu Ibus and interc to the amp is Discovery sig. the Zu guys did put 320 hrs on the speakers but they still sound better with each listen.my room sucks shit so work to be done there,13 by 18 with open beam ceiling at 8 feet.i think i will keep the Zu's as they sound freaking phenomenal so far,with room treatment i can't think what they will do.those boys are up to good things at Zu.to the guys with the def's,what are you runnin' for amps,just curious as i think the little vac is a gem,will a SET do better?? more to come,summer is for outside.
I know you guys are using tube type amps, but I am running my Def's with an Integra Research RDA-7 (Made by B.A.T.) with excellent results. 150 WPC.
