Best monitor for female vocals?

Live 5 hours from anything you'd consider an audio store. I can only audition gear in my business travels and need your help in narrowing the field. Looking for a monitor that excels in vocals, particularly female focals. Listen to blues, folk, jazz, standards at moderate levels with the occassional "crank it up" mood. To be used strictly for 2 channel audio now, maybe multi-channel audio in the future. Room is 16W X 28L X 8H. Listening position about 12' from where speakers will be on the short wall.

Willing to suplement bass with Velodyne DD-series sub if necessary. Will be buying new amp/pre or integrated amp for this 2 channel system, so current electronics not an issue. The only speakers I've auditioned so far that I'd buying are Harbeth Super HL5s. What others should I consider?

Budget of $2,500-3,000.(used)for 9/10 Audiogon condition. Thanks in advance for your suggestions.
Merlin tsm, bettered b&w sig. 805 in my system substantially and you can't beat company support.
I've listened to all the above mentioned speakers and there are some very good monitors listed, but for me, the Green Mountain Audio Callistos took the prize. First order crossover's do not color the vocals or the music. Pure clean sound that has brought me closer to the music than any other speaker I have owned in the last 30 years. Demo several and find out what sounds best to you.
Northwoods_maine: Harbeths are hard to find used. However, incredibly both Super HL-5 and somewhat less expensive classic Compact 7-es2 are listed at A'gon. You can't go wrong, you can always sell at the same price.

If you like this British sound, you could listen to Proacs. Otherwise the usual Americna suspects at A'gon: GMA, Salk, Silverline Tyler, Zu. They all have great models in your budget. They work on direct sale model and are not easy to find for audition.