To try and shed some light on peoples perceptions of these speakers...[a disclosure-I am a NY based AZ/Adagio dealer].
I have set up several of these, including the pair we had at the HE 07 show last week. The newer version, to my ears, is even better than the prior.. drivers better integrated. The speaker is sensitive to not only toe in, but how tilted back it is set up on the spikes. In other words, I suggest checking with a level, side to side and front to back leveling. I find a slight tilt back, [bubble touching the outer center level marks as opposed to inner center ones]works best, and certainly level side to side adjusting with the spikes height.. This slight uptilt/tilt back, in most applcations will balance the driver focus and get image height locked in. If you listen standing more than sitting, even more tilt back may be to your liking. Toe in will vary from room to room, but moderate toe often works best. If I can be of help, let me know... Most people find the Adagio to create an extremely pleasing musical event.