B&W 801 min tube wattage?

Well, here it is, my first post. So, here's the situation. I purchased a pair of 801 Matrix s3 for next to nothin and don't have an amp to drive them yet. I've found a Jolida 302a(50 tube watts) for a steal and, while I plan on getting either a Rogue Tempest or Cary sli-80 eventually, I am thinking of grabbing it. So, until i have the $$$ to purchase a more powerful/"better" amp, would the Jolida cut it? The B&W website states a min. or 50w, but what real world wattage can I get away with?
Your speakers will always have good resale value, as the woofers alone, new cost over $500 each, and may not even be made anymore.

As for you question about power:
The bigger B&W speakers love a lot of power! The more the better. I use 600 watts per channel with B&W speakers that are 93db/watt and are 4 ohms. They also like SS, especially for bass control.

I had a pair of 801 s2 and they do like alot of power. I had a classe dr9- 100 watts per channel. It sounded ok with them. When 1 bought a 2nd dr9 and bridged them -400 watts per channel , the speakers really opened up.
Firstly, thanks for the replies. Secondly, I'm begining to see a pattern here. High wattage/current and solid state. So, should I scratch the Cary & Rogue off my list?
Also, I doubt I can find a "stepping stone" integrated that meets those requirements. Sound like I should start saving.
OK. well, not sure if I shoulda started a new thread here, but after extensive reading, I've got a list going here:
In no particular order-
*Mccormack DNA-1
*Rowland various models
*Counterpoint various models
*Threshold S series
*Musical Fidelity a308
*Also, I'm still intrigued by the Rogue 120's or Cary SLA or even Jolida Jd1000
I know its best to listen to these amps, but I'm just lookin' for nudge in the right direction. Thanks in advance for any replies.