The End Of Big Iron?

Once upon a time you could buy a 1,000 wpc, a 900 wpc and a 750 wpc monoblock from Krell. You could buy a 1,000 wpc monoblock from Pass Labs. Now, 575 wpc is the biggest you can get from Krell and 600 wpc is the biggest you can get from Pass Labs. The muscle of flagship amps in those mfgs has been virtually halved. I mean, was 1,000 wpc, 900 wpc, or a 750 wpc amplifier ever necessary? If they were, why are they no longer necessary? What has changed in audio or speaker technology to cause the dwindling of 'muscle' amps?
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Manley NEO 250s that I use certainly have some big iron in them and they sound better than the Krell 400cx they replaced.
Big iron....more than 100lbs??....140lbs??

I love big iron and if your going to leave it on 24/7 because some sales manager says to ..then pay the power $$$$

I love big speakers (and I dont mean girly ones like Wilson's maxx or Peak Consultant. .etc)
To me anything less than twin 15" per speaker(ATC 300..Rockport Arrakis..etc) is not big...l use the Maxx as a example because of their drivers not cabinet.
A Krell fpb 600/700 will make those big boys dance..
I believe that double the woofer power is the best...
For example. .if you have 2 fifteen inch rated at 400w each at 8ohms which equals 800w at 8ohms then I want 1600w at 4ohms so that the headroom equation comes into play...this means BIG IRON..

Unless you are active
I have a fully recapped (214 caps)Krell FPB 600 and a 700cx that are in mint shape and only need one pickup or shipping in Canada only..
These actually will almost put out 1000w/ch
The rest are Mark Levinson. .ML 333...332..331..&..335
you can call me crazy!, In 2012, I bought a used Krell 700cx, took me two years to get the amp modded, renewed cosmetics too, this was because of the lack of money, however, The amp is Brand new inside and out, sounds incredibly better than before by alot!, I bought this amp because I knew the good ole days of Big Iron were Over, I cannot justify buying an amp for alot of money and my step son of 14 can pick it up by himself, At the cost of High-end, I feel like at 180 pounds and extreme heat of a rocket engine of pure class A, I got my $11,500.00 worth that I have into this amp, I have no regrets, it has 2014 caps that were not available in 2005, and a huge amount of other parts were replaced, you should see the bag of parts that was sent back to me, The sound is like a much more exspensive amp that is not a krell, incredible treble, grainless pure Bliss, NOT ever brittle!, Never heard a krell amp do this, I have heard alot of amps out there, tube or solid state that cost in the stratiesphere, I believe I am very satiesfied compaired to those more exspensive other amps.,, cheers.