About the new Wilson Audio Watt/Puppy 8

What are the differences between the Wilson Audio Watt/Puppy 7 and the new Watt/Puppy 8? And how much is the MSRP of the new Watt/Puppy 8? Thanks.


Spot on comments. I would _never_ have purchased the 5.1's or 6's as they weren't my cuppa', I found the mid-treble beamy and the upper bass pronounced.

I liked the Audio Physic sound (Old V. Caldera). The Sophia changed all that, and I went from the Sophia to the 7's/WatchDog, then to the MAXX 2's in quick succession, maybe over two years. despite comparing them to many top models--in my home, how many that slander Wilson have done that? The answer in this and other Wilson "bashing" threads is self evident.

I don't begrudge anyone their choices and biases as we all have our own. However there are _way_ too many posts in this and other recent Wilson threads categorically denouncing Wilson speakers as if they're a scam, and anyone that owns them is a dupe, a status seeking mongrel or part of the Wilson marketing machine.

All those opinions are _nonsense_, and pure ill-informed speculation They are excellent speakers made in the US that are fairly priced for what they cost to produce. That was the thrust of the advert as I saw it, and more of a defensive ad, given the abuse that gets heaped on anything Wilson in these and other forums.

The kicker is, anyone that works in this industry, with intimate, in home experience with the current Wilson speakers at a _minimum_ respects them. And those of us privy to the costs of US labor/ production and the make-up of their speakers has _no_ qualms regarding Dave's sincerity in stating his opinion in the ad.

Either it's an elaborate conspiracy involving Fremer, Harley, Bolin, Mickelson, VTL, Audio Research, BAT, Lamm, Shunyata and countless other companies, professionals and music lovers that back Wilson, or... the speakers are actually really well designed and perform well in many applications--not all--no product does.

Me, I'm not big on conspiracy theory other than what's on HBO. But I am aware that these forums _thrive on it_.Enjoy yourselves, what a colossal waste of time and energy.


Hey, Bartokfan - no need to track down the new Wilson line for a listen. It seems your mind is already made up...
Froggerz how you can read folks disingenuious comment. Shame on me. But let me ask you, if it OK someone is a devotee of one brand, another of a different line, and a3rd audiogon member a big fan of yet a totally different line. I shouldn't even be on this thread. I'm like in aforeign land, sorry to impose myself where I do not belong. I've learned a lesson here, I need to keep silent in opinions on all other labs , except the one I like.
Nice Day

Thank you for your post, well put.

Getting back on thread,

I have learned from the Wilson people and that the 8's have a TOTALLY new cabinet design "The 8's cabinet does not share any parts with the 7"s"

The Tweeter and Midrange drivers are from the Maxx2

Also the speaker is not into production quite yet, should be in couple of weeks.

As for cost vs. value...it took me about 3 years to decide (and save), for me it was cost vs affordability. In those years, and prior, I tried to audition as may speakers as possible...IMHO none matched MY listening enjoyment as the Wilson's did

As a former customer of Wilson Audio and owner of Watt/Puppy 7's, I have nothing but good things to say about them. I've always found the bashing of Wilson Audio amusing. It's human nature to want to hear good things about your "stuff" even if it comes from someone whose only qualification to comment is that he/she has access to a computer and can type. Audiogon is certainly one valuable tool to use when looking to purchase but be it still comes down to what it sounds like to you.