"Absolute best" used speaker for $8-10K

I'm in need for some solid recommendation for the "absolute best" used speakers in the $8-10K price range, floorstanding model only.
I'm looking for pinpoint imaging and superb retreival with clean tight low end.
Any recommendation will be greatly appreciated.
I would vote for the Nautilus 800N because it has a wide freq. range. And it had the best look of all the speakers in this range. I can give the right proportions of voices and instruments. It gives a very good image of a recording. Just take a change to listen to them. It is one of the few "big" speakers who is capable of giving the intimacy of a very good small monitor. When you listen to recording with only a few instruments it can blow away almost every speaker. I done this tests with many popular speakers in this range. Listen and you'll understand
With a really good system in front of it. IMO Eidolons are hard to beat at any price.

Good Luck,
Thank you all for your recommendations. Room size is around 20 x 30 and music is mostly soft rock, adult comtemporary and jazz.
I absolutely love female vocalist like Celine Dion, Diana Krall, Patricia Kass and Norah Jones are just some of my all time fav.
The closer and the more intimate I can get to the artist recording and that is my ticket to audio paradise.
Hard to beat Merlin VSM-MX for voice and acoustic. They have avery tight low end down to 30Hz or so (w/the BAM unit) You would think the room might be too big, but you would need to speak with Bobby at Merlin - he'll give you the straight scoop.