I will not indulge you with my experiences since I have written about them in the column and those about which I have not yet written I will eventually. As for my system, it changes slowly and regularly. Currently, I have two systems:
System 1:
Paradigm Studio/60v3 (three for L,C,R)
Paradigm Studio/20v2 (two for surround)
Paragigm Servo15 with Velodyne SMS-1 EQ
Meridian 861 pre/pro
Bryston 9BST amp
Sony XA-777ES SACD player
Siim Moon Orbiter Universal player
Fujitsu P50 PDP
System 2:
B&W N802D (three for L,C,R)
B&W N804S (two for surround)
JL Fathom 113 Sub
BelCanto Pre6 MCH preamp
BelCanto REF1000 amps (x3)
Classe C3200 3channel amp
BelCanto S300 amp (stereo for surround)
Sony XA9000ES SACD player
BelCanto PL-1A Universal player
AudioVox 5.6" LCD display (for menus only)
But the really interesting stuff