Pick your poison...2-channel or multi?

This post is just to get a general ideas among audiophiles and audio enthusiasts; to see who really likes what. Here's the catch!

If you were restricted to a budget of $10,000, and wanted to assemble a system, from start to finish, which format would you choose, 2 channel or mulichannel?

I'll go first and say multichannel. I've has to opportunity to hear a multichannel setup done right and can't see myself going back to 2-channel. I'm even taking my system posting down and will repost it as a multichannel system.

So...pick your poison! Which one will it be, 2-channel or multichannel.
I was fascinated by it in the early 70's when I played around with the Hafler circuit. Earlier than that, as a child, I was influenced by a neighbor who had a 4 channel system back in the 50s(!). He used R2R stereo tape and set up the system in duplicate stereo with a speaker in each corner of the room.

My modern entry into it was when I was given a full Meridian Reference system for review (http://www.stereophile.com/digitalsourcereviews/201/index.html) and, from there, there was no turning back.

As I mentioned it has been fun and I have been learning a great deal from you but I must inform you that much of what I say from a technical standpoint is being confirmed by someone with a great deal more experience than I. As you ramble on many times incorrectly, my guy points out where you are not being precise.

I've been cheating but what is interesting is his prediction of what you will say and do next. That is the part that shocked me the most. He knows your religion, he knows your dogma and he underestands and can predict your behaviour. Scary how accurate he has been. Right down to you not understanding what is important in what measurements determine what amplifier sounds like. I never said frequency response had much to do with the "sound" of an amplifier. The Cary's sound is more profoundly effected by other parameters. Something at three years I understand and have heard demonstrated to me. Your assessment of the McIntosh is incorrect it's square wave is slow in its rise time. And that does affect its sound along with some other slight issues. Am I saying that the McIntosh is a bad amplifier? absolutely not! I just brought that to your attention that it still exhibits characteristics that color its sound slightly versus other amplifiers in its class. This I have heard and it conforms with your management of the highs in your system. IE. Its a coloration you tend to like.

So you should get over the 15 to 1 experience difference and up your game a little. I understand that you're a superior audio being to me so I will accept my limitations in not being able to understand that what is ok for you, is not ok for me. And like I said I know you own all the best equipment there is to buy, so if I want fidelity I have to buy what you have.

To me this last post is just a veiled attempt to belittle me personally. There is nothing new in it same stuff different day, just a slightly more aggressive attack on me and my information. Well all you have proven is that were I have chosen to get my information from is clearly out of your league. You don't understand amplification and you love your speakers despite the fact they don't come up to your standards and philosophy. And lets not forget you're a superior audio being. At 25 years old, I have
Bat like hearing compared to you, so take your little esoteric pet complaints that you use to increase your self-importance and move along.

Its over I'm not convinced you know what I'm talking about. And your Zu's are a novelty item, just like the Sonus's. You should have kept your quads and built dipole subs for them. You'd been better off. Cause like your 7 channel Zu's the quads are multichannel too.
Would anyone else care to post about thier Multichannel experiences or has this thread officially be shut down by the powers that be?

The other "not so obvious" point this thread was to hopefully help those who have or are at least are willing to try multichannel, but have run into a few bad experiences. Believe it or not, everyone who claims to know or owns a HT/Music store, really doesn't know how to get it right. Not to say I am the end all guru of multichannel. Not by a long shot! But I, and many others like me have seen it demonstrated, thoroughly explianed, and have done it ourselves. We are here to help...if you want it.

Personally, I think many of the 2CH guys are scared. Scared of the fact that there is a chance that I among other may be right. That MC...done correctly, may completely baffle thier knowledge, won't listen to their ears, and will dismiss MC because they don't understand how it can pick up where 2CH leaves off. Thats why so many call it a gimmick, other than they couldn't do what MC has done without spending at least 3/4 of thier salary. No fish oils or $500 .5 meter cables here, people!

May be its the visually effects of glowing objects while listening. Maybe..just maybe...if I can think of a way to make my mystical chipmuck to give off a warm soothing glow. Wait...I think I'm onto something!
It is my opinion you are not an audiophile if your not a two channel guy, period. Multichannel is for movies, nothing more, nothing less. I use a quality surround sound receiver for movies and it does a darn good job there but it sucks for music. The only thing connected to it is a DVD player. I don't even have an antenna attached for FM.
In addition some of you are buying into more channels is better than less when time has proven that two channels for music is superior. I am not surprised since some local hifi dealers reserve more room for multichannel products then they do for two channel, trying to sell as many boxes as they can. Why not, multichannel requires more dollars invested & the majority of Americans are satisfied with mediocre sound. Audiophiles represent a small segment of the population and most are right here on Audiogon. It is obvious that some of you have bought into this fiasco, contributing to the demise of two channel, may regret this later. Support your local two channel dealership, keep multichannel where it belongs, movies only.