Pick your poison...2-channel or multi?

This post is just to get a general ideas among audiophiles and audio enthusiasts; to see who really likes what. Here's the catch!

If you were restricted to a budget of $10,000, and wanted to assemble a system, from start to finish, which format would you choose, 2 channel or mulichannel?

I'll go first and say multichannel. I've has to opportunity to hear a multichannel setup done right and can't see myself going back to 2-channel. I'm even taking my system posting down and will repost it as a multichannel system.

So...pick your poison! Which one will it be, 2-channel or multichannel.
To summarize my view, in order of importance...

1..A center channel does wonders for imaging of the very-important soloist, vocal or instrument.

2..Surround channels give new dimension (pun) to two types of music.
a. Intimate classical chamber music, or Jazz, where the sonic perspective is that the performers are in the room with you. (As opposed to you being in their room).

b. Antiphonal music (composed for two or more separate choirs or orchestras). There was a lot of this composed in the past, but it fell by the wayside because stereo cannot reproduce it properly.

c. Ambience.

d. Improved sound (especially bass) because the speakers are driven less hard for a given room SPL.
Phd -

Thanks for your post but you've accomplished nothing but proving one of many points I've made before. Audiophiles have somehow convinced themselves that Multichannel is a gimmick; only to keep from realizing they have needlessly spent far too much money on product that can't accomplish what a system half its price can do effortlessly. Beleive it or not, audiophiles..in thier infinite psuedo-wisdom...can be wrong too.

"Multichannel is for movies, nothing more, nothing less. I use a quality surround sound receiver for movies and it does a darn good job there but it sucks for music."

Clarify..if you will. Are you referring that YOUR quality MC receiver sucks for music. Sounds like user error to me. Care to explain how you have your system setup? If we tackle the basics then maybe we can help you out with your music problem. That is unless you've been an audiophile too long to learn something new!!

"In addition some of you are buying into more channels is better than less when time has proven that two channels for music is superior."

Tell that to people who listen in MONO! Thats like saying a Mercedes Gulwing coupe is superior to a '06 Mercedes Benz SL600. The two can't compare. The Gulwing was the flagship....in its day! This was due purely to technological and other limitations. It couldn't out-anything the Benz of today. But as time progressed and limitations were overcome, the Benz has transformed into the beauty it is today. But the 600 does just about everything the Gulwing did and then some...20x better. Same goes for 2ch v MC. 2CH was the flagship and has been for a long while now. But just as the Gulwing, it was superior in it's day. Many people still chase after the Gulwing for nestalgic purposes and the same goes for 2CH. When coupled with a SET amp, turntable and 2500+ vinyl albums, you have an audiophiles dream. But lets face it, its all nestalgic. MC does everything 2CH did...much better.

"Support your local two channel dealership, keep multichannel where it belongs, movies only."

Glad everyone doesn't have that mindset. We'd still be living in the 50's.

"Why not, multichannel requires more dollars invested & the majority of Americans are satisfied with mediocre sound."

Have you invested more than $6000 in the 2ch system? If so, then your 2ch investment was more then what a MC system requires. BTW, I thought you said your MC reciever does a darn good job?" You wouldn't be implying that YOU'RE satisfied with "mediocre sound", are you?

"I am not surprised since some local hifi dealers reserve more room for multichannel products then they do for two channel, trying to sell as many boxes as they can."

Isn't that what dealers do...sell prodocts...? Correct me if I'm wrong but isn't that what forums like this are for? Helping those who have audio related problems, in the event they have any? Or are we so caught up in name dropping, speaker designer worshiping, and declaring how much and how long we've been an audiophile!!

--------General Statement----not for PHD only-------

"you are not an audiophile if your not a two channel guy, period."

This is the number one reason why I refuse to be an audiophile, even if I have ultra high end tube and 2ch equipment. Here's my take on some audiophiles. These particular audiophiles are the ones who never got picked for kickball, never was popular in school, always picked on, and have now emast so much knowledge and few have degree's to back it up, they have isolated themselves from everyone else.

Let me apologize to each of you, who ever you may be, for being picked and bullied as a child. It was wrong!!

Now that these parcticular audiophile have become adults, they've created this exclusive club, only for those of thier kind, to help releave the inferiority complex they've gotten when they were kids.

Let me further explain. That comment was NOT intended to offend for one particular person. Thats why I chose my words very carefully. It's NOT even my intention to offend audiophiles. If the shoe doesn't fit, don't try to cram it on your foot!!!! However...if for some reason you have taken offense to this, there is a high probability this "particular audiophile" I was refering to...is you. If that is the case, I apologize in advance. My intended purpose for the comment was not to offend, but to point out the ones who: 1) have or potentially have ruined it for people who may have thoughts about getting it the hobby, and 2) have made it difficult for everyone else to explain to others why this hobby is so great. This "particular audiophile" is the number one reason why I refuse to become one...even with a $20k 2ch SET/speaker system. To be perfectly honest, It ain't that serious!!!!!

Oh...before I forget, I've almost completed my glowing mystical chipmuck...for those who may be interest. However, it's only for 2CH SET systems. ;)

Here is a definition from Merriam Websters dictionary.

Main Entry: au·dio·phile
Pronunciation: 'o-dE-O-"fI(-&)l
Function: noun
: a person who is enthusiastic about high-fidelity sound reproduction

Notice how this does not differenciate between 2 channel, multichannel, mono, or even ipod headphones...

You seem very enthusastic about your multichannel high fidelity sound reproduction so I hate to be the one to break it to you, all bulling aside (lol), but in every sense of the word you have become an AUDIOPHILE.

Ps...I found your posts more informative when you were selling the virtues of Multichannel. Not when you have tried to debase other peoples beliefs that differ from yours. An eye for an eye so to speak.

These forums are full of people trying to sell their product and beliefs, Multichannel, two channel, transistor radio...what does the medium matter as long as the music brings a smile to your face.

If you want the people of the world to know, embrace, and maybe convert...sell your ideas, and let the idiots go on with their delusions.

Just my $20.00 worth (adjusted for inflation)
Dave...you've truly given me a reality check! Some people get it and some don't. Sad to say, but you may be right...I am and audiophile. Just not THAT kind of audiophile. It gets frustrating to hear such mumbo come from people who have many more years in the hobby than I. Then when I make my case, I'm told I don't know what I'm talking about because I have only 3 years under my belt.

You're right though!! I should revert my passion in another direction.

I already know the answer but I can't help but to ask myself "why won't they at least give it shot?" I'm not the type to put someone down because they were wrong. I'm happy if someone corrects the error.

I was told I would be the one of the only few who chose to take the red pill over the blue!!

PS- Thanks for the great deal on your thoughts.