B&W Nautilus 800N . Best amp & preamp setup ?


I own a pair of B&W Nautilus 800N speakers. Truely a great world class speaker. I had sold my JM Lab Utopias after buying the B&W Nautilus 800N.

Currently have several different setups of solid state and tube, hybrid front ends for these the 800N.

From Pass Labs, Threshold to Audio Research and Lamm. I have not been able to make a final decision on what setup to use with my B&W Nautilus 800N.

A little input from fellow 800N or 800 Signature owners is greatly appreciated. Thank you -Bob

Did anyone try biamping the N800s with identical stereo power amps? I would imagine one has to disconnect the internal crossover and get an active crossover to do it right.

The best thing I can advice is look for a powerfull amp with a 'musical' sound. You need a lot of power or you will have a lack of bass. And I also can advice you an amp which had a warm 'musical' sound. Use powercables who are capable of delivering a lot of power and control like the Purist Audio can do. You also can use a SS poweramp with a tube pre-amp.
I have the Signature 800's runing 4 ML 436's sounds great but need to be biamped. I had mac mc2600's slow and boomy.

good luck