Tell me about your research. I just don't get what you are saying. I wonder what speaker VTL use to voice their products. You should give them a call. Maxx IIs. What cable manufacturer uses Wilson (probably one of many), Transparent. Has A Wilson / VTL demo won best sound at any show? Wilson sounds great with many different systems. Audio Research has a different house sound to VTL. Both are great products. Now people are using Lamm w. Wilsons including some Wilson employees. Wilson speakers show everything upstream and offer the user the ability to get different types of sound depending on the kind of equipment that is being used.
Tell me about your research. I just don't get what you are saying. I wonder what speaker VTL use to voice their products. You should give them a call. Maxx IIs. What cable manufacturer uses Wilson (probably one of many), Transparent. Has A Wilson / VTL demo won best sound at any show? Wilson sounds great with many different systems. Audio Research has a different house sound to VTL. Both are great products. Now people are using Lamm w. Wilsons including some Wilson employees. Wilson speakers show everything upstream and offer the user the ability to get different types of sound depending on the kind of equipment that is being used.