WILSON AUDIO/ cost vs. value

wilson ad; absolute sound;issue 162. page 12.... dave wilson states in his ad that wilson loudspeakers have one of the [ lowest ] profit margins in the industry. My question is should wilson make public their profit margin percentage's to back up their claims or is this more hyperbole from a high-end audio manufacturer...
I like Macrojack's comments on the "real" (somewhat relative) value of any speaker. What he is trying to bring out is that we really need to take a step back and see what we are paying for, his moto and mine would be "by paying more, you may not get more". macro goes on to say , how anyone cares to spend their money is their business, he just wants to get things in focus, he enjoys making critical assessments of price structures. I like his approach. I hate to keep briing up the Seas (stop HYPEING the Seas' would ya please!!!) I added up the price of the drivers as sold retail on madisound add in the Xover parts, + finely made cabinets, attractive, the price comes to very close to exactly what I pd for the kit. Sure I had to pay Richard Grey a fair price (he charged much less than what I actually gave him), took him all of about 30 minutes for BOTH!. Speedy on the gun. Then considering whats in it for the designer of the xover, Dr Apolito, nothing really. I can account for every $ in my speaker. Whats its true value, well each has to make his own conclusions after hearing. You may find its not for you at any price. For me its adifferent story(that is I'd pay much more). The B7W's I bought a few yrs before the seas' kit, cost me $800 for the 602's. Frankly after knowing their sound after a few yrs, they are not worth what i pd. I;d say $500 is fair price new. I see they've come down in price to $700 new/603's, taller cabinet. .
Macro asks, "are you getting value for what you are paying for?" Its a harmless question, but one that should be asked, especially as our $ is shrinking in value in this current economy.
Look it was Mr Wilson that opened up this 'can of worms" in the first place, with his ad statement.
No one is bashing Wilson, just trying to put things in proper perspective.
I actually heard the Wilson line 6 yrs ago, can't recall the associated components, or the exact sound, just know what I heard at that time.
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>>>"No one is bashing Wilson, just trying to put things in proper perspective." <<<

I'm still chuckling at that comment. Obviously, you haven't read the thread through, or decided to skip over the posts that were full on baseless attacks, numbering at least a dozen.

MacroJack did a good job of describing basic economics and margins within general commercial enterprise--not high end electronics or speakers however. He wholly skipped many fundamental equations. Using gross anecdotes and generalities is no smoking gun nor evidence of poor, moderate or good value. What the ad says can stand or fall on it's own merit. Based on Wilson's history, standard of quality, incredible used market value and top-line dealer support, I'd say the ad is more true than not.

It's easy to take on-line anonymous pot shots. Another thing altogether to put your procuct, business, reputation and _word_ on the line for any Tom, Dick or Harry to scrutinize or belittle.

Dave's done it for years. Who among AudioGon rock throwers cares to claim the same?

Thought so.