Thanks for your review. I have the TAD-803's with the single-driver mod. I have not heard the stock TAD-803, but can say that the one with the single-driver mod is very special. It is extremely musical and articulate; as you said, a little rolled off at the top and bottom, but what a relaxing and magical presentation they provide! Getting the crossover out of the picture helps a lot, in my opinion.
I will add, that within their minor frequency limitations (midbass thru lower treble) they will shame a lot of highly-touted, much more expensive models. Cheers!
Thanks for your review. I have the TAD-803's with the single-driver mod. I have not heard the stock TAD-803, but can say that the one with the single-driver mod is very special. It is extremely musical and articulate; as you said, a little rolled off at the top and bottom, but what a relaxing and magical presentation they provide! Getting the crossover out of the picture helps a lot, in my opinion.
I will add, that within their minor frequency limitations (midbass thru lower treble) they will shame a lot of highly-touted, much more expensive models. Cheers!