VR-1 or Onix Reference 1??


Im wondering how all you folks would compare these two
speakers as far as build quality and sound characterictics?

Which speaker would be considered the best for all types of
music and the most acurate and smooth?

Id like to hear the owners of these speakers thoughts!
I did not audition the Onix, but did the VR-1. I could have sent it back, but I really love this speaker! No doubt that Onix makes high quality equipment, but so does Von Schweikert. Other equipment: Creek 5350SE, Njoe Tjoeb 4000 with upsampler, home made cables, REL Q108 sub. I added the sub later for frequencies below 45Hz. Listening tastes: jazz, classical, folk and some rock. Search posts hear for other opinions as well.
check out this thread discussing both speakers.
i would pick the ref1 over the vr-1.
I would be very circumspect about believing a post on the Onix website which purports to place the Onix above the VR-1. The post tries to be balanced and fair, but after all it is posted on the company's website. If the poster felt that the VR-1 was better, it would not have been posted there, but perhaps on an independent site. Let your ears be the judge. Primus Audio in Kansas City let me have a trial in my home of the VR-1s. If you could arrange for this and a trial of the Onix in your own home, the decision would be much more easily made, and with less second-guessing.