High level input

From my Mcintosh MC352 I am running speaker cables to my PD80's then jumping to the high level inputs of the built in sub amps. If, for example, the MC352 is pushing 200watts per channel, is half or that power being used to signal the sub amps? Am I wasting power just to send a signal or do the sub amps somehow filter out a line level signal? I hope this makes sense.

Thanks in advance.
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Just to answer your basic question:
If, for example, the MC352 is pushing 200watts per channel, is half or that power being used to signal the sub amps? Am I wasting power just to send a signal or do the sub amps somehow filter out a line level signal?
Answer: No. The sub ams are not drawing any current from your McIntosh, they only take in the "info" from it (i.e, high level signal) and then amplify it to the woffers.
Tvad , I just wanted to clarify. I completely agree with what you are saying. I had the amp before I bought the speakers and I knew it was loads of power for the PDs. I do like the sound of the Mc and I got a great deal on it, so there it sits. I did want a system that was capable of great sound at high SPLs and the funny thing is, since I got it I normally always listen at very low levels.

Usually when listening the meters hover around 0.35 watts, but every once in a while the headbanger in me comes out and I need a quick fix.

Tvad, I am serious. I do know the formula for calculating db and I have a meter. I gotta run out now and check on a job. I'll be back in an 2 hours max, take a reading or two and get back to you. My room is VERY strange I'd be glad to email you a pic as well. In fact I would appreciate any other advice you may have.

Talk to ya in a couple hours.....
OK. I used my RTA mic on the behringer and a Extech digital meter. Both the mic and the Extech were placed on the back of the couch approx 14 feet from the speakers. I let the dog out put on some AC/DC and cranked it just shy of peaking out the meters on the Mcintosh. The behringer recorder a peak level of 99.1db. The Extech has an A&C weighting. I'm not sure what that means so I took measurements for both. A came in around 106db and C came in at 120.4db. Why the difference in readings? I have no clue, but it's got me wondering.
