PMC Speakers:"Best Buy"or just another speaker?

Anyone heard or owned PMC speakers, especially models GB-1 (Retail $2200) and FB-1 ($3300) I saw these recently in an audio shop but did not have time to listen to them. They use a transmission line enclosure which claims bass response to 29-28Hz. The FB-1 is a two way syatem with a 4.5 inch woofer. The next model has a bigger cabinet, is also a two way system which uses a 5.5 or 6 inch woofer. Both seem like a lot of money for a two way system whose major claim is deep bass. Need input and opinion about this product. Thank you, Jim
Looks like you are close to a PMC dealer, why not go back and listen? I would look forward to your review.
They've been getting some very good reviews lately, I think there was a recent rave in Positive Feedback Online and I'm sure HiFi+ has reveiwed them positively as well. I've never had a chance to hear them though. As said above, listen and let us know.
I have owned PMC TB2s, FB1s, FB1+ conversions and currently use the AB1s. They are not for everyone. Take note of what your local shop is using up front, PMCs will deliver exactly what you feed them. And see if you can listen to them with tubes as well, its worth it. I agree with Steuspeed, re sale can be a challenge depending on the model, I've tried to sell my AB1s three times 'for a song' and due to lack of knowledge they simply haven't moved...
Go have a listen : )
PMCs are similar to ATCs. They are both aimed at the pro studio monitor market where they are very well respected. Some audiophiles will find them too revealing due to their accuracy. Search the archives, there was a lengthy thread about the differences between the brands.
I heard PMC at a fest this year. I found them smooth and dark which i find tiring. So an audition with various electronics would be a must so you see if its the type of sound you are looking for.....