Help with Apogee Diva Crossover


I have a DAX 1 for my Divas. I need to modify the passive crossovers for installation. To do this, I need midrange coils (designated a L5 in the owners manual. Can anyone help me by providing the specs for these coils and perhaps a source for purchase. Any help will be appreciated.

Madhf: I replied to you at the Apogee forum that the values of this inductor should be 0.05mH. But I am not sure we are talking about the same (L5) inductor as I do not have the manual that you are refering to.

Essentially. there will be only two inductors when you are using the DAX, one for the MR, and one for the tweeter.

The inductor for the MR is 0.05mH.

Thank you for your replies, cjfrbw and Gallant Diva. For Gallant Diva: The manual can be downloaded from the Apogee Users Website if you go to the active crossover tab. It looks like I need only 1 of these coils per side, and it's for the midrange. Thank you for the spec on that. Very much appreciated. Happy listening!!


I did take a look at the manual and yes you were refering to the MR coil. Yes, its value should be 0.05mH. I recommend Alpha Core airfoil inductor.

By the way, you should also add a very large cap in series with the coil to protect your ribbon or otherwise the MR ribbon will flutter a lot, possibly causing a damage in the long run. The value of the cap should be large enough so that it is out of the crossover point, say 200uF.

The bass connection is direct from the input binding post to the output binding post of the passive box. You can bypass that if you like, just to avoid extra connections and cables; that would means the pigtails can be directly connected to the amp driving the bass.
Gallant Diva:

Thanx again for the additional info. I am just planning on wiring the woofer up as shown in Fig 2. It will be a cleaner job imo. I'll love to hear the difference when I install the DAX. I'll keep you posted>

Hi again GD,

My shop technician researched the Alpha Core inductors and the 200uF caps and can get them. He did think that the 0.05mH coil was awfully small. If that's the right value, he will order the largest one (12 gage wire). Since you appear to have the experience with the DAX 1, I'll go with your input. Is the tech on the right track? Also, your opinion on Divas with passive xovers vs the DAX 1? The teck will make the mods so that returning the passive xovers to orig config will involve minimum work.
