Speakers Like Merlin VSM?

I once owned a pair of VSM-M's and regretably sold them. At the time I owned them I spent a good amount on my system and although it wasn't perfect I was never let down by these speakers. Actually they are the best I have heard to date. I once heard my Merlins hooked up to a Berning ZH-270 and it knocked me out.

I'm not real sure I could amass a system like that again but I was wondering..... Who's the new Merlin? I may just have to save up and go for it.

The Merlins with the BAM are just awesome especially if your into vinyl. If any of you live in Texas or nearby there and want to sell your Merlins please send me an e-mail.
>> I once heard my Merlins hooked up to a Berning ZH-270
>> and it knocked me out.

I've heard this exact combination (VSM-MM with the ZH-270) & I cannot say anything good about it!!
All I can say is that it had good sound but zero music. Good amp to use if you are debugging a speaker problem.

I did like the VSM-MM sound. I have not heard the TSM speakers.
If you like the VSM-MM sound, then I think that you will like Green Mountain Audio speakers even more! No kidding & not trying to do a sell job on you.
when I heard the VSM-MM speakers I felt that they were 2-way versions of my 3-way Green Mountain audio speakers. My Green Mountain speakers have more vibrancy, more transparency, more bass (expected from a 3-way) & more coherency.
From the Green Mountain website http://www.greenmountainaudio.com you can find out the nearest dealer near you to audition these speakers. Listen to the stand-mounted Callisto - they will knock you out IMHO. Also search the archives of this forum for other users' opinions of this speaker.
The 3-way Callisto is also reputed to be very good sounding but I have not heard it as yet.
The flagship C-3 was demo'd at the Rock Mountain Audio Fest in 2004 & AFAIK, it was a hit at the show.
IMHO you will be very pleased with the Green Mountain speakers.
well tom,
if i had a buck for every odd comment (imho) describing the sound of the vsm and tsm in the past ten years, i would own a lear jet. i've heard them described as dull/bass heavy to lean and bright. this is what a neutral piece does, it brings your attention to the rest of the system and its character. if the speakers are used the way they they were designed to be used, the odds are better than 95% that you will have found a keeper. still, (and i would be the first to say this) these speakers are not for everyone. we have thousands of each model in the field and an extremely high satisfaction rate.
the speakers are exceptionally linear and continuous sounding. they are not bright imho, just resolved with maximum resolution and contrast potential.
you would probably really like the new e versions (lead free) which are way more room filling and relaxed sounding again. i describe them as just more complete sounding.
those who have received them are really really happy with them and know the difference, immediately.
if you heard an earlier version of the 270 you might have felt very differently about the amp. they were more relaxed and more music like. later ones were even more continuous but damped sounding.
i know the system that you heard and the man who owns it. he invited you as a guest into his home and allowed you to have a listen. is this how you repay him? i also know that he was at your home to hear your system. he told me exactly what he thought of it. he is and was, (by comparison) very pleased with his system. each to his own i guess! but he has not not made any such comments on the web, anywhere. what does that tell you?
bobby at merlin

>> is this how you repay him?
you are needlessly trying to go down a path that is dangerous & slippery!! I would strongly urge you to stop that right here!
My comments on the Berning amp have NOTHING to do w/ the gentleman who invited me over to listen to it. It is NOT a personal attack on him. It NEVER was & it NEVER will be. He & I have invited each other to our resp homes to listen & audition gear. IMHO this does not mean that I must compliment the gear I listen to. I compliment the person who invited me & he is very well aware of this. So, I re-paid him well, I feel.
The comments on the gear pertain to as I heard it. Nothing more & nothing less. I expect the same from people who come over & listen to my system: a 2-way street.
So, please, stop this guilt-trip thing. I know that you are capable of better behaviour. Thanks!
"Good amp to use if you are debugging a speaker problem."

Yes, Bombaywalla, the Berning is on the neutral side of things and I don't mean to go off on a tangent but one of the absolute most musical systems, that is systems that I can count on one hand as being the closest to the event I have heard had a prototype Berning using the same design topology as the zh270 in the mix, in other words, there was no mistaking the design. Unfortunately my system doesn't measure up to that standard for a number of reasons, least of all the Berning/VSM combo. I respect your choices but I would suggest folks viewing this thread might heed what Bobby is saying. In a system with these two components in the mix it is imperative that it be matched with the proper balance of components. This is not to say at the end of the day there may be other preferences.

My comments are pertaining specifically to the Berning. I have heard this amp with numerous speakers with fine results in ALL cases. I don't know exactly what you heard Bombaywalla but my guess is that something might have been out of kilter somewhere along the chain. I hate p....g contests and don't want this to turn into one, it isn't my point or intent. What is is that I have broad experience with both products and know what is possible.