Speakers Like Merlin VSM?

I once owned a pair of VSM-M's and regretably sold them. At the time I owned them I spent a good amount on my system and although it wasn't perfect I was never let down by these speakers. Actually they are the best I have heard to date. I once heard my Merlins hooked up to a Berning ZH-270 and it knocked me out.

I'm not real sure I could amass a system like that again but I was wondering..... Who's the new Merlin? I may just have to save up and go for it.

The Merlins with the BAM are just awesome especially if your into vinyl. If any of you live in Texas or nearby there and want to sell your Merlins please send me an e-mail.
you seem to think that because i am a manufacturer i should have different rules governing my behavior or somehow act accordingly. i am afraid that this is a free country and if you say something offensive (imho) and i take exception to it, i will respond, manufacturer or not.
i care not of what you think of me personally because "to thine own self be true." a great motto that i live by.
i have met david berning only once and he was one of the quietest, softest and kindest gentleman that i have ever met. he is also absolutely brilliant as all of his designs indicate and someone to be respected. he is so soft spoken that he would never stick up for himself on this forum. so because i care for his work and for what is right and wrong, i will. vested interests? personal agenda? hooey again!!!
what is your agenda and vested interest? and why could you not start you commentery with, imho? but you were so black and white and spewing venom that i reacted. no, there is seemingly, nothing humble about you. do you realize that there is a variable feedback control on the amp so you can change its sound to maximize its performance to the speakers in question. do you realize that the next person who tried the amp may have exactly the opposite reaction to it that you did? there are no absolutes here. could it have been his cables or cdp? who knows? but you were able to point your finger right at the amp...wow you are good! maybe it was the speakers and not the amp. that is why i reacted to your comments. when you are not 100% sure, as you could not be, it is better to say that or nothing at all. yup, imho says it all.
i am also glad you find aktchi's comments to your liking. of couse you would...it backs you up.
and if i was truly on the offensive and attacking you, you would know it!
remember, its nice to be nice. just look at the state of the world and you'll get my drift.
now perhaps i may be a little more sensitive because i lost two great friends 8 days apart. but you know what, i still feel the same way.
have a nice weekend bombay.

Information is welcome and can be provided without personal taunts in response to opinions. Comments like "I know the guy you visited", "By not liking my product you are being unfair to the host" and "I know what he thinks of *your* gear" hardly constitute the kind of "information" I desire or require from manufacturers.

A'gon provides hot link to manufacturers' websites, emails, phone numbers, etc. I have nothing against manufacturers posting an informational post (clarifying data, parameters, etc) without stifling the exchange of opinions. However, most simply do not have the maturity and temperament to play this role and their attempts don't work out. Recently one manufacturer (not Bobby) started a new thread and began by telling the readers he feels like saying "screw you all"; A'gon wisely deleted the entire thread. I have great respect for people like Salk, Tyler, etc who use various channels to provide any information you wish thoroughly and promptly but stay away from these discussions.

Every person who selects a speaker does so because he prefers it to ten others. We can hardly expect a healthy discussion group if it included owners or paid employees from those ten companies ready to pounce on any expression of this preference.
my comments were really down played and far more fair minded than his pointed ones were. and i never made any comment about him not liking my product. i clearly told him i do not care.
if you think that a person should just be able to say what they want...period then you should not react to the comments made to the contrary. if you don't like it, don't read it or get involved. it matters not that i am whatever because we do not have different rules governing our behavior.
knowing the difference between right and wrong is not immature. i strongly suggest that you read my last two posts many times over and think about the fact that if 100 people read them, over 85% of the people would agee with me. if you want it to rest, please initiate!
Bobbyapalkovic: You seem to think that because i am a manufacturer i should have different rules governing my behavior or somehow act accordingly.

We may have an honest difference of perspective, but precisely, in fact I actually do think so. Apparenty so do most manufacturers you and I might respect, because they provide information but do not participate in these exchanges.

I am afraid that this is a free country and if you say something offensive (imho) and i take exception to it, i will respond, manufacturer or not.

Freedom does not force maturity or wisdom. Those are still optional. From saints to sinners and everyone in between, they all have the same freedoms, but use them differently.

i have met david berning only once and he was one of the quietest, softest and kindest gentleman that i have ever met. he is also absolutely brilliant as all of his designs indicate and someone to be respected. he is so soft spoken that he would never stick up for himself on this forum..

Have you considered the possibility that besides being soft and kind, he is simply a wiser and more mature person, who knows when to talk and when to stay quiet? That he lets his product speak for itself and gives everyone trying them their personal space to think and go back and forth without interference? That you could learn something from people like him?
Aktchi is hitting the nail on the head time and again!! However, the Bobby P is really being extremely immature in this thread. He didn't learn anything from Berning! I hope that all viewing this thread can easily this!!

Bobby P: it would really be best if you terminated posting on this thread. You are making a fool of yourself in spades!
My opinion of the amp remains what it was & your strong-arming me will not change it. Yes, it is my opinion & it remains different from yours. I am entitled it to & you are entitled to yours. if I say something bad about the amp, you DO NOT NEED TO GO ON THE OFFENSIVE AGAINST ME. What you need to do is consider my opinion contrary to yours & move on with your life.

You very little about that listening session & so DON'T TELL ME WHAT I HEARD that day. OK?!

You have a good weekend too.