recommendation for best $1500 speakers?

I'm looking for recommendations for a pair of floorstanding speakers < $1,500 for both. They would be used for both home theater and analog/digital music. I have more entry level boston acoustic floor standing speakers now, which I like, but I think can be improved. Part of the challenge is the room is 16 feet tall, so they sound a bit thin. I'm using a Yamaha RXV-2500 receiver at 140wpc, which should be plenty of power. I heard some JBL's at a local tweeter store through the same amp, and they sounded much fuller than the BA's I have now (they were twice the size). Any thoughts are appreciated. thanks!
Revel Concerta F12s are the best speaker I've heard around your budget. You'd be hard pressed to beat them until you step up to something over 2k. You can get a pair of F12s for a little more than $1000, and they should definitely be high on your audition list.
The Gallo Ref 3s are coming into that range, I just snagged a choice pair here for $1700. Give 'em 3-4 months and they should be in your price range. Pretty hard to top that speaker for less than $5k/pr.

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If you also consider used speakers, you could get some very fine speakers at $1500 or less. Of course, the better the speakers you get, the more dis-satisfied with the Yamaha receiver you may become.....