Which speaker to replace Dunlavy SC-V?

Hi fellow audiophiles, I have a question especially for those who are familiar with Dunlavy speakers. I have a pair of Dunlavy SC-V speakers now for a while and albeit I am quite satisfied with their sound I am also curious which speakers could be considered as good contestants if I might ever contemplate to replace the Duns. I know that would be comparing apples with pears, but this is my own list of contestants: Jamo Reference open baffle speakers, Dali Megaline (used), Acapella Campanille (used), Avant Garde Trio, Magneplanar 20.1, Magico Mini, Duevel Jupiter, Tannoy Westminster Royal, stacked Quad ESL 57's (don't laugh).


The DAL V's might NOT be a narrow dispersion "design" but they do throw out a narrow dispersion pattern, this is well known being quite senstive to adjustments of toe in. As I stated, this is not ideal for HT where a broader dispersion pattern and a larger sweetspot is more desirable. They are still undeniably a fantastic speaker and I have never heard anyone call their bass response inconsistent.
Due to the way that Dunlavy treated the baffle, the dispersion on this design IS more limited horizontally than a more conventional MTM design. Having said that, HT systems typically benefit from such a design as the viewer / listener is presented with a more defined left / center / right image. Spatial cues are more realistic and there is less blurring. This is especially true when the speakers are improperly spaced i.e. too close together as is found with most HT installs.

Other than that, most speakers are quite sensitive to toe-in. Being FAR more linear in output than the mass majority of designs on the market, the Dunlavy's simply reveal tonal imbalances in much quicker fashion. As such, errors in ANY part of the system / installation are displayed quite evidently.

If one HAS to run major amounts of toe-in with this speaker, my OPINION ( and that's all that it is ) is that the speakers are set up too wide and / or the listening position is less than optimal. Either that or there are other tonal / frequency response errors being commited elsewhere in the system. By toeing them in drastically, the Dunlavy's are being asked to compensate for these losses via "beaming" more high frequency information directly at the ears of the listener. Sean
I agree that a single listener will benefit from narrow dispersion speakers in HT when in the sweetspot, but my thinking is that most HT should be designed so that several people can enjoy a movie together.

IMHO, the use of narrow dispersion speakers for HT will yield a less balanced surround sound experience than wide dispersion speakers, particularly for those seated furthest from the sweetspot.
The "sweetspot" in an HT system is supposed to be taken care of ( primarily ) by the center channel speaker, not the right and left mains. The right and left mains are primarily there to provide spatial cues and extend the imaging that is presented by the center channel as called upon to do so.

Multi-channel musical reproduction is a bit different, but once again, having the left / center / right speakers too close together tends to blurr the imaging that would normally take place.

When properly situated, one should be able to follow / point to the sound of a test tone as it slowly travels across the fronts. Just as there is "stereo seperation" from the left to right in a two channel system, you should have separation from left to center and center to right. With proper recording techniques, you can have images that are presented hard left, directly in-between the left speaker and center speaker, centered, directly in-between the center speaker and the right speaker and hard right.

Most people don't hear all of the spatial cues on multi-channel recordings simply because their system / speaker selection / speaker placement lacks the proper amount of separation. On top of that, their speakers are not mounted at the same appr height, further skewing the imaging that takes place.

Quite honestly, this is a relatively hard thing to do, especially if one has larger speakers and / or a large TV set. My center speaker is a bit higher than the equivalent mid & tweeter height of my mains, but it is the best that i can do with my given installation specifics.

Since we're on the subject, my HT system utilizes speakers that share several design similarities to the larger Dunlavy's. That is, they all have "acoustic blankets" on the baffles, which helps to focus the imagery and minimize baffle related diffraction. They also utilize two large acoustic suspension woofers per cabinet. Like the Dunlavy's, the two woofers load into the room asymmetrically. Like the Dunlavy's, these speakers are tuned to a Qts of appr .5 for optimum bass transient characteristics. Like the Dunlavy's, they also work best with GOBS of power on hand. Sean

The Dunlavy'sare one of the most reasonably priced, balanced speakers. You can certainly find speakers that are more resoved and coherent from the mids to hiughs (e.g., Avantgarde, Magico Mini) but you will be hard-pressed to find a speaker with the same bass detail and quantity. If you are willing to give up on the bass then you do have options.

Personally, my refusal to give up the bass and fullnes has stopped me from replacing my 4A's many times. If you're looking for a different sound first try upgrading your electronics. The Dunlavy's are so neutral that you can transform the sound with better electronics.
