Loudspeakers that go LOUD?

I recently finished off a basement room that is 24.5' x 22.5' x 8'. My beloved Tyler Linbrook Monitor Signatures sound as wonderful as ever there provided I reign in the volume control somewhat, otherwise the SEAS Excel 7" drivers start to protest. I'd really like to find some speakers that wont give up too much in quality, especially in the areas of treble refinement and in imaging, but will play loud without strain. The few horn systems I've heard sounded peaky in the treble to me, but perhaps there are some which don't. Suggestions will be gratefully received.

Parameters: For music I am into classical, opera, female vocalists like Eva Cassidy and Jennifer Warnes, movie sound tracks, shows, golden oldies, but no heavy rock or metal. Power is via a 50 watt/channel tube amp but that could be changed out. Budget: on the order of up to $3K new or used.
>>One last plea Bartokfan ( I believe I can speak for a few fellow Audiogoners on this 1 point), please stop hawking your speakers<<

Second that motion
Ghasley, An excellent commentary on BF's constant interjection in threads his poorly thoughtout comments about his JOR's, Thors, KT88's, KT90's, and Seas drivers.

I believe your last paragraph expresses why I'm so turned off by BF's comments regarding Tyler's speakers. I'm a Tyler owner. I'm very happy with them. But, if I were doing research on them and happened upon BF's comments I'd take a real hard look - I'm not into equipment marketed by the use of shills.

Unfortunatly since BF is highly unlikely to take anyone's advise, I think we can only do as Audiofeil has implied and actually does himself, that is challenge each his posts, lest he actually influences someone new to the board who is seeking serious observations or recommendations.

Tis true, too bad tis true......
Thanks to everyone who has taken time out to respond so far. There are some very thoughtful suggestions here. I should have pointed out initially that subwoofering is not a practical option for me in this room, although it's a great idea otherwise.

I think Bartokfan is trying to be helpful but his bias is profound.
Beemerrider, Forgot to mention my experience with Tylers. Sign me up to the more power camp. I've 3 tube amps available just now, 40, 80, and 160 wt's (EL34's, KT88's, and 6550's for BF's benefit - no KT99's, although I've got a dozen NOS's in the drawer). With the 40's the speakers become a bit harsh at high volume (and I have a small room - 13x19x9), but with my 160 mono's volume is not an issue - I get them quite loud w/out the onset of distortion. I presume from this that it is the power available, not the design of the amp or tube used. FWIW my Tylers are the Linbrook Signature Systems 1 piece.
One more comment, your room is pretty square.
Rooms of that shape have frequncey response problems. You will need to need to work out sound reflection/absorbtion.