Spendor s8e Imaging/Soundstage?

Can anyone comment on the soundstaging and imaging capabilities of this speaker? How does it compare to the Spica TC-60 (my current speaker)?


Steve O.
Garyralph: would you consider the sound of the Spicas "polite"?

Bartok: I have read your old posts re. the Spendors. As I recall you were not terribly impressed.

Kw6: You seem to have had a different experience than Garyralph with respect to the Spendors soundstage. Hmmm...

About the Spicas and soundstage I had a curious and interesting thing happen. In my listening room I have the tc-60's about 8 ft. apart, 3 ft. from walls and back wall. But the back wall has old pocket doors (7 ft. wide), which are left open when I listen. So I see the adjacent room, about 16 ft. deep, as I'm listening. Soundstage depth seems to go all the way back to the far wall of adjacent room. But when I close the doors, the depth seems to collapse. Don't know if this is psychological or physical, maybe a comb. of both.

My search for a new speaker will be slow and deliberate, and there is not much chance of auditioning. But whatever I choose, I do NOT want to give up the tc-60's wonderful s.s. and imaging. From what I've read, the S8e's sound like they might fit the bill. I listen exclusively to classical.

Steve O.
I also listen exclusively to classical. Give us a review when you get the S8"SE". Whats the asking price?
Bartokfan: I haven't decided on this speaker, and it will be a while before I get any; will have to upgrade my amp, too, and a new bathroom is in the offing :( But if/when I do decide on these, will give a full-blown review here.
I have seen fairly new S8e's on AGon for as little as $2000.00.

Steve O.
Steve, not exactly apples and apples, but .....

I used to own, and like, Spica Angelus. Like the TC60s the imaging was very good. I borrowed some spendor S3/5s from a friend, expecting that they would beat the spicas (since they get such rave reviews) and I was extremely disappointed. The S3/5s were extremely vague in imaging compared to the spicas, and were no better in terms of frequency balance.

I would be very wary of moving to spendors if imaging is important to you. Anyone who says that S3/5s can image has never heard a speaker that throws a true stereo image.

I ended up with Green Mountain Audio Europas, which, in my opinion, slightly exceed the imaging of the Spicas, greatly improve on the bass and dynamics of the spicas, but are a little brighter in overall tonal balance.
Thanks Sean for that review of the Spendor. That was the same impression I had with the 8's. From Sally Renoylds comment on the S8 in her Tyler review, I was expecting alot in the audition, but got little.