Regarding the Wilsons, I've read other posts where they referred the Wilsons as being analytical in nature. When I auditioned the Wilsons, they were using Macintosh SS Amps-the big ones-as well as I believe, a very high end CD player. Whomever was singing, was there, and, whomever was playing those drums, I wanted to wipe the sweat off thier brow. Perhaps in retrospect, or was it luck, that the owner of this store actually cared about how his equipment sounded because it seems to me, few do. I find myself attempting to interpet the musical performance or rather, the audition through mismatched, broken or strewn together audio systems. Makes me wonder how dealers sell anything... Most of what I think I know is from reading other audiophiles writings and reviews.
Me thinks I enjoy listening to all the nuances in music and hell, if I hear the performer fart, or the echo from the studio walls, all the better. Don't give me polite, and don't give me glare or etch, but I'll take slam when somethings slamming! Keep it real.
Me thinks I enjoy listening to all the nuances in music and hell, if I hear the performer fart, or the echo from the studio walls, all the better. Don't give me polite, and don't give me glare or etch, but I'll take slam when somethings slamming! Keep it real.